I was given a handbag as a gift with the brand name "Basido". I assumed that this was not a very expensive handbag and not real leather, but I don't know.
I've never heard of the name before, but when I looked it up on eBay I was suprised to find an ad saying:
Tag inside states:
Genuine Italian Leather
Handcrafted in Australia
by Hermes Leather Goods"
For item # 5460125489
My bag looks entirely different and says only "Made in China" inside, I do not think that it is any relation to Hermes bags but I found that ad confusing.
Also, what does it mean when the bag has a little fabric-sample attached to it (removable, just to show you what it's made of), but that sample is not stamped with "genuine leather" or something? does it mean it's fake leather?
I've never heard of the name before, but when I looked it up on eBay I was suprised to find an ad saying:
Tag inside states:
Genuine Italian Leather
Handcrafted in Australia
by Hermes Leather Goods"
For item # 5460125489
My bag looks entirely different and says only "Made in China" inside, I do not think that it is any relation to Hermes bags but I found that ad confusing.
Also, what does it mean when the bag has a little fabric-sample attached to it (removable, just to show you what it's made of), but that sample is not stamped with "genuine leather" or something? does it mean it's fake leather?