Boy George Slams Madge over Kabbalah


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Boy George: Madonna a hypocritical homophobe
06/03/2005 - 15:19:05

Gay pop star Boy George has slammed Madonna for embracing the Kabbalah, the mystical offshoot of Judaism which preaches homosexuality is a disease.

The former Culture Club singer is horrified the Material Girl flirted with lesbianism - most famously in her controversial kisses with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera at 2003's MTV Video Music Awards – yet supports a religion which believes homosexuals can be cured.

He fumes: "I have a problem with Madonna's devotion to Kabbalah, because I watched a documentary that said that Kabbalah believes that gay people are diseased and can be cured.

"She's such a hypocrite. This is the woman who has embraced homosexuality and used it to her advantage."

From The Irish Examiner March 6, 2005
I don't really follow Kabbalah, but if that statement is true, then i'll probably have to agree with him (even though Madonna probably meant it as a publicity stunt)
Madonna has done some very provacative things in the past and this religion does make her look like a hypocrite but that's what her belief is now so I don't see the point of him getting angry over this, he might as well be angry with every religions that preach homosexuality as wrong
mdankwah said:
Madonna has done some very provacative things in the past and this religion does make her look like a hypocrite but that's what her belief is now so I don't see the point of him getting angry over this, he might as well be angry with every religions that preach homosexuality as wrong

he probably *is* angry at all religions that preach homosexuality is wrong, though. ...i'm assuming he and madonna have met and/or know each other on a certain level, and he's not happy she's not "practicing what she preaches". i see where he's coming from on that point. of course, i dont believe in everything that my religion says either, so i can also see how madonna can believe in kabbalah and yet have her own convictions... ive never actually heard her say 'homosexuality is wrong' so ol georgie boy is quite jmping the gun, i think... :innocent:
pretty much all christian, jewish, and muslims sects believe that homosexuality is wrong. however, most jews embrace homosexuality, to my understanding.
wiat...jews embrace homosexuality?
can anyone vouch for that on this forum? I know nothing about Judaism...
Wasn't Madge said to have had an affaire with Sandra Bernhardt some years ago ? :innocent:

I nearly typed Sarah Bernhardt , :blush:
But Madge is not that old !!! :lol:
stylegurrl said:
Gay pop star Boy George has slammed Madonna for embracing the Kabbalah, the mystical offshoot of Judaism which preaches homosexuality is a disease.

The former Culture Club singer is horrified the Material Girl flirted with lesbianism - most famously in her controversial kisses with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera at 2003's MTV Video Music Awards – yet supports a religion which believes homosexuals can be cured.

He fumes: "I have a problem with Madonna's devotion to Kabbalah, because I watched a documentary that said that Kabbalah believes that gay people are diseased and can be cured.

"She's such a hypocrite. This is the woman who has embraced homosexuality and used it to her advantage."
Yea Kit, I heard that 2. I don't even think they are on speaking terms as of today...
Well said Boy George...

I was ready to believe when Madonna said she's changed and she's not the same attention seeking woman she was years ago, and then she went off and tongued Britney.

Once an attention seeker, always an attention seeker.
I think I've seen the same documentary that B George is referring to. Its basically a complete con.
Those red braclets they wear are sold for £18 each, but they are given out for free in Isreal.
The Kab. sell bottles of "holy" water for £48 a case and tell their members that they have to drink it or they will fall ill with something that relates to the devil.
Mass gatherings hosted by the leader of the faith were held in swanky hotels. Members were told that they would only be accepted into the faith if they paid for the package trip which included staying in the hotel itself. The package was about £1000 for two days, and no one was allowed to stay in a cheaper hotel. In the end, the leader did not bother to come, his official line was that he had a stomach ache (maybe he hadn't been drinking his holy water?) There was video footage of people at this gathering being encouraged to chant and wave their hands, beleiving that they were lowering the radiation in Chernobyl. :shock:
I think the Jewish faith has denounced all links with it.
People don´t have to be radical about their religion choices.
Most of religions say something bad about homosexuality. Just because someone is from a certain religion that doesn´t necessairly have to mean that they agree with this.

I honestly think that nowadays you have to be really flexible about things. You can choose religion and adapt it to what you believe. ;)

I honestly don´t think that just because Madonna is in Kaballah, that that means she agrees with that particular issue.

Madonna needs to make some good music again and stop spending all her money on that nonsense! :yuk:
Heroin_Chic said:

Madonna needs to make some good music again and stop spending all her money on that nonsense! :yuk:

Boy George needs to go back to his smash broadway it, oh wait, that's right...:rolleyes:

I agree with you about the music. Though Music was excellent American Life was rather, blah. I do wonder about her Kabbalism she seems to be forcing it one people which I think is a big no-no.

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