does anyone here work for a major fashion house?


Dec 29, 2004
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I was just wondering if there is someone who is famous among us here in the forum with a hidden name & watching from a distance, I thought about MARC JACOB, M.KORS, T. FORD, S. PILATI, Z. POSEN or others who wants to know what is the public reaction toward thier collections!!!

I rember that I read in TOM FORD interview that he is watching the internet for what is happening to YSL & GUCCI after him. so I thought he might be here in this site:blink:

and the other part of my thread is : does anyone here work for a major fashion house in N.Y., PARIS or MILAN? How does it feel ?
& what is the atmosphere there?
very good and interesting question, taz, i would like to know myself, but i guess most of them just prefer to stay anonymous........
i bet 'industry' people browse/lurk tFS
not likely to reveal their identities taz

a friend works for chloe at the moment..
(he used to be with galliano just before that)
long hours, little money, good for his cv, thats all
It is just like 'we know you are here, no need to hide' feeling

it is all about guessing, & you might get the right answer!!!

so who do u guess is here among us?
no idea taz, cant guess
maybe pr/marketing/advertising people and the inevitable trendscouts?
designers are bit busy to browse fashion forums, but then.. one never knows
I'm the spirit of Christian Dior, and I'm rolling in my grave!
welcome to tFS spirit of monsieur Dior :D
AudiEC said:
I'm the spirit of Christian Dior, and I'm rolling in my grave!

Hahaha! I welcome you to Christian!

Anyway, good question, but I think it has been answered properly already, so I don't have anuthing to add to it anymore...
I know there are future designers/designers-in-the-making here..:innocent:

*cough*Brian *cough* :ninja:

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