Elton John Calls for Boycott of Dolce & Gabbana


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Jun 3, 2014
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John did not take well to comments made by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana in the Italian media about traditional families.

In particular, John was offended by the Italian designers calling children generated through IVF “synthetic.” On Sunday, the artist tweeted his response to the statements made by Dolce and Gabbana, calling for a boycott of their fashion. “How dare you refer to my beautiful children as ‘synthetic,’” he tweeted. “And shame on you for wagging your judgmental little fingers at IVF — a miracle that has allowed legions of loving people, both straight and gay, to fulfill their dream of having children. Your archaic thinking is out of step with the times, just like your fashions. I shall never wear Dolce & Gabbana ever again. #BoycottDolceGabbana,” added John, who has long been a close friend of that other Italian designer, Donatella Versace.
So not only do their clothes suck nowadays, so do they as human beings.
I see a career suicide after this. As a gay man I feel they need to shut-up and focus on creating creative collections, not the same copy-and- paste crap they have been doing since several years ago.
They are Italians who dont know better because they are outdated
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Children who are raised by parents of the same sex are healthier, happier and have a better relationship with their family. This is evident from the largest study ever done on the well-being of children with two mommies or two daddies.

With IVF they pick the most active sperm seed because that one is probably the best & most healthiest :wink:

+ IMO: IVF kids are mostly better looking hahaha
Look at Suri Cruise & North West :wink:
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It is a very, very sensitive topic and I think it has been extremely silly of them to say something like this. Kids are kids, no matter how they were born and who their parents are. If I were Elton, I would be very offended. They knew what reaction it would cause, sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut. Coming from a traditional family, I don't think I would like to be raised in the family where both parents are of the same gender, so the whole topic is something I could debate on, even though I try to be as open minded as I can, but I would never, ever allow myself to say that some kids are synthetic or something of that sort. There are traditional families who struggle with having children for health related or any other reasons, so they have to use less traditional methods. Do such families not deserve to have kids if they can't have them the way they are supposed to be made by nature?
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Who's still buying this brand anyway tbh?

While I'm not a fan of IVF mostly because I prefer adoption, I'm not gonna go bash people who choose it. I'm certainly not gonna bash children who are a product of it, that's incredibly cruel. There's nothing wrong with them, they're still made of an average sperm and egg. To me this is almost as bad as racism, because it's like they're saying that these children are not "proper humans". On a side note, the Catholic Church is against IVF.

Also, the way they talk about homosexuality, gay marriage, and IVF sounds like they're regurgitating ideas they were taught. It doesnt sound like a conclusion they personally came to and have reasons behind. It seems like they're just told this stuff and believe it without questioning it, and it makes them sound like idiots because they it seems like they can't think for themselves. It's especially weird because they're in a same sex relationship themselves. Also considering how new this idea is of marrying freely for love...
Children who are raised by parents of the same sex are healthier, happier and have a better relationship with their family. This is evident from the largest study ever done on the well-being of children with two mommies or two daddies.

So what? Should everyone go by studies and statistics to determine if they should become parents?

I've said it before, but these close-minded and outdated viewpoints that Domenico and Stefano are exhibiting, that contradict their very own sexualities, just make me feel so... sad. What a tragic existence to to think that you, as a human being, are not entitled to have children or get married. Like a bizarre self-imposed prison. Catholicism must hang over this duo like a powerful, all-encompassing storm cloud.
Absolutely disgusting! How dare they give such a demeaning name to these children?
First they bore us with redundant collections, cheat their country out of millions, and now spew ignorance and hate. Just abominable people.
In 2006 Stefano said.
"My dream is to have a baby, not to adopt one because I am not up to it and I don't feel strong enough. I want my own child, a biological child, the fruit of my sperm, conceived through artificial insemination because it wouldn't make sense for me to make love to a woman I don't love. The person I love today is my partner so I am looking for a civilised and refined woman. A week ago I asked a dear friend of mine, who is twelve years younger than me, if she would help. I asked her 'Would you like to be the mother of my child ?' She was left a bit shocked and the following day telephoned and said she was still shocked but thought it was a great idea. I am opposed to the idea of a child growing up with two gay parents. A child needs a mother and a father. I could not imagine my childhood without my mother. I also believe that it is cruel to take a baby away from its mother."

Rambling ignoramus.
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[/QUOTE]Like a bizarre self-imposed prison. Catholicism must hang over this duo like a powerful, all-encompassing storm cloud.[/QUOTE]

as someone raised in a stringent catholic upbringing and being from a very religious country..this is basically how catholicism works. You don't question it in these very traditional family centered societies, and you end up between your own thoughts and those of the ones you love
Coming from a traditional family, I don't think I would like to be raised in the family where both parents are of the same gender, so the whole topic is something I could debate on

Huh? Like most people I too come from a "traditional" family. Of course it is difficult to imagine being raised in a different situation, but I do know that people who were raised by same sex couples or single parents usually also had very fulfilling and happy childhoods like I had. I have to ask you why you seem to suggest that a vagina and penis are required between two parents for raising a child - because that is what this argument of requiring a man and woman comes down to! I can also imagine if my parents were a same-sex version of themselves. They'd be the same people, same interests, same character, just some physical differences that are totally irrelevant to raising a child, or really anything... I think the biggest difference between men and women are certain physical characteristics, which are small compared to who we are as people.
Huh? Like most people I too come from a "traditional" family. Of course it is difficult to imagine being raised in a different situation, but I do know that people who were raised by same sex couples or single parents usually also had very fulfilling and happy childhoods like I had. I have to ask you why you seem to suggest that a vagina and penis are required between two parents for raising a child - because that is what this argument of requiring a man and woman comes down to! I can also imagine if my parents were a same-sex version of themselves. They'd be the same people, same interests, same character, just some physical differences that are totally irrelevant to raising a child, or really anything... I think the biggest difference between men and women are certain physical characteristics, which are small compared to who we are as people.

There are mental differences between end and women because of brain and hormone differences. However, there are gay men who can be very maternal and lesbian women who can be very paternal, so it doesn't really matter what sex they are. Basically all you need is the personality associated with a male parent and a female parent, it doesn't really matter what sex that caretaker is or if there's one or two or if they're even biologically related. There are non traditional families that produce happy children, and there are traditional families that produce terrible children. You don't need a man and woman to raise a good child, just a good person with love to give
Stefano is handling the situation in a incredible, immature manner. This is definitely going to be damaging for him.
Basically all you need is the personality associated with a male parent and a female parent

No. This is incorrect and plays into stereotypes that gay couples have "roles" each one plays, like "the woman in the relationship" and "the man." What do fraternal and maternal personalities even have to do with raising a kid? Does the maternal personality cook dinner and clean, while the fraternal teaches how to throw a ball? Which one says no to eating ice cream and which one says yes? :rolleyes: Parents need to be able to take the kid to school and places, teach them right from wrong, help them with their school work, encourage them to participate in different activies - man or woman can do any of that and in the case of single parents, many do singlehandedly.
D&G responds

Dolce & Gabbana founders Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana say they did not mean to judge other people's choices when they criticized same-sex parenting and the method of conceiving children via artificial insemination, which sparked controversy on Sunday and a scathing response by Elton John.
The singer-songwriter, who shares two sons born to a surrogate with husband David Furnish, had said, "Your archaic thinking is out of step with the times, just like your fashions." John's remarks included a call to boycott the luxury designer label.
Dolce said in a statement that while his own family was "traditional", that does not "imply that I don't "understand different ones," according to the U.K. newspaper The Guardian.
"I was talking about my personal view, without judging other people's choices and decisions," he added. "I'm Sicilian and I grew up in a traditional family, made up of a mother, a father and children. I am very well aware of the fact that there are other types of families and they are as legitimate as the one I've known...But in my personal experience, family had a different configuration. That is the place where I learnt the values of love and family."

Gabbana said in his own statement, "it was never our intention to judge other people's choices. We do believe in freedom and love," according to the newspaper.
"We firmly believe in democracy and the fundamental principle of freedom of expression that upholds it," he added.
Neither designer mentioned John.
Dolce and Gabanna, who used to be involved in a romantic relationship, had made their controversial comments to Italian magazine Panorama. Gabbana had called children conceived via insemination, a method used by both same-sex pairs and heterosexual couples, "synthetic."
He added, "The only family is the traditional one," while his business partner commented, "Life has its natural course, there are things that must not be changed. And one of these is the family"
John's call to boycott Dolce & Gabbana drew support from several celebrities, including fellow gay parentsRyan Murphy and Ricky Martin as well as Sharon Stone, a mother of three adopted sons.
No. This is incorrect and plays into stereotypes that gay couples have "roles" each one plays, like "the woman in the relationship" and "the man." What do fraternal and maternal personalities even have to do with raising a kid? Does the maternal personality cook dinner and clean, while the fraternal teaches how to throw a ball? Which one says no to eating ice cream and which one says yes? :rolleyes: Parents need to be able to take the kid to school and places, teach them right from wrong, help them with their school work, encourage them to participate in different activies - man or woman can do any of that and in the case of single parents, many do singlehandedly.

I guess I phrased it badly. I meant traits like being very nurturing and sensitive to the emotions of others, something like that is usually attributed to mothers but anyone can possess such traits. I don't mean cook dinner or throw a ball or whatever, those things actually don't have much to do with gender aside from being a societal construct. A child needs someone who can be firm and someone loving and sensitive and nurturing. It could be one person or two or ten who's supplying this, and it doesn't matter what sex the are (and I did mention single parents in my post, but probably not phrased well)

Also, not to be rude(honestly, I'm sorry if it sounds that way), but the word is "paternal" not "fraternal". Paternal refers to father, fraternal refers to brother. Again sorry if it sounds rude I just have this obnoxious annoying tendency to correct grammar.
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Huh? Like most people I too come from a "traditional" family. Of course it is difficult to imagine being raised in a different situation, but I do know that people who were raised by same sex couples or single parents usually also had very fulfilling and happy childhoods like I had. I have to ask you why you seem to suggest that a vagina and penis are required between two parents for raising a child - because that is what this argument of requiring a man and woman comes down to! I can also imagine if my parents were a same-sex version of themselves. They'd be the same people, same interests, same character, just some physical differences that are totally irrelevant to raising a child, or really anything... I think the biggest difference between men and women are certain physical characteristics, which are small compared to who we are as people.
I don't say you can not have a happy childhood if both of your parents are of the same gender. In fact you can be very unhappy being raised in a traditional family, but this is just my opinion, I would not want to be raised in an untraditional family, because I believe that ideally you need a female figure and a male figure in your life, and the difference is not about the one in privy parts of men and women, it is more about mentality and psychology of a man and a woman. I am honestly so tired of this feministic understanding of equality. Men are not the same as women, and we have different roles in life. Of course, we should have similar rights, you should be able to get the same education, salary, etc. as a man if you are a woman, but we, both genders, are different. I feel that there is a shift of the roles between men and women. The former become more weak and faminine, while the latter get stronger, independent (which is also a good thing in a way) and less faminine. It has become very apparent to me when I moved to the US. When I was carrying a heavy suitcase and many guys were just staring with curiosity, while one girl came up to me and offered her help. It was very nice of her, but in my point of view it is sick. There are things in which men are better, there are things that women do better. Women and men are not the same, period. I want to have a mom who will teach me girly things, be more emotional, teach me how to cook or whatever, and I need a dad who will be a protective figure and teach me other things, and for a guy a dad will show him how to be a gentlemen or how to hammer for example. When one of the parent figures is absent, many kids have trauma that affect their whole lives. I come from more of an old fashioned country with a different culture. I am not saying that women should stay at home, give birth to kids and cook for their loved ones only, while men will be working and earning money, everyone should do what makes them happy, but I do not get equality that many people are trying to achieve in America and Europe as well. When a woman will be like "I can do it myself" while carrying something very heavy or even be offended if she is offered help from a man, it is just so wrong to me. I do not like this shift in gender roles. Anyway what I am trying to say is that not all people are equal (please, don't get it wrong) and it is not having a penis or vagina that I am talking about, everything about a man and a woman is different on a much deeper level, and this difference is beautiful and I don't get why we can't embrace it. If you are a gay or a lesbian, then do love who makes you happy. There is nothing wrong with that. It's wonderful if you are happy, but with all honesty I am not sure how I feel about kids being raised in untraditional families. I just honestly do not know. It might be good for many kids, but if I were that kid, I would love to have a mom (a woman) and a dad (a man). This is my personal view. I am just honest and I do not judge others.
I was raised in a very traditional tight knit family and I ended up with severe depression and anxiety that my traditional family won't take seriously and it makes things worse for me.
My friend was adopted and raised by only a mother and she seems to have done much better than me so far.
Some people just suck at parenting, and some are great at it.

Also I'm pretty sure I have a cousin born through IVF...it's like they're insulting all those people born through IVF, and the parents who have to go through a lot for those kids
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Obviously this is a very touchy subject...
I see something similar to Galliano's downfall happening to them

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