Emmenuelle is very pretty, the cover is a bit lame - nothing amazing about it, but her eyebrows look fine
I like megs cover, it's a nice pic - but the writing does spoil it
I think Emmanuelle Béart's eyebrows look horrid in the first cover but the other photos look great. I think the makeup or airbrushing just made them too dark.
i like megs cover she looks like a 70 s model
Emmanuelle looks abit strange on marie clare like 1 of the characters in lords of the rings.She does look gorgeous ont eh 2nd cover though
I think both look good. I first saw Emmenuelle Beart in the movie "Date with an Angel" and she did look angelic. Hmmnn it just occured to me she might be perfect for the casting for Dan Brown's "Da Vinci codes" Sophie....
Here is a link to some photos from that movie... she was truly angelic
Don't know who Emmanuelle is and don't like her look either.
Seems to me like she's trying to hard to be the classic old fashioned lady, instant glam beauty with gamine features. Doesn't work !
The Meg Ryan cover is ok, nothing special. Yeah, the girl has recently done lots of surgery! Don't know how they did it, but airbrushing on the Elle cover managed to tone down her usually very apparent plastic features!
I'm making this since we don't yet have a topic on her, but really just because I like looking at her face. Also, she is on the jury at Cannes this year, so there will be some newer pictures of her.
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