Georges Hobeika Haute Couture S/S 2024 Paris

That is the general aesthetic viewpoint of most Middle East designers. Sparkles and rhinestones everywhere, but at least there's always high demand for them.

Ladies from countries with a long history or more conservative culture will love this aesthetic. China, Russia, Türkiye, Eastern Europe, Middle East, etc. Oh well Americans also
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All such designers and collections are so cringe and tasteless. This, Zuhair Murad, Elie Saab, and all the similar bore. Growing up until my 15 y.o. in Eastern Europe and attending the 'high society' events with my mom, all such clothing gives me the traumatizing flashback of all the gold digger women and convenience marriages, where they have zero taste, zero refinement, the majority have very little natural beauty, and they wear all this, thinking truly they are the Disney princesses married to prince Eric or whatever.

It is so passé, démodé even, that one can only restrain the desire to eyeroll all the way to see the brain. Who is this for, except the diggers and 13 y.o. American girls that are into 'fashion'?

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