Hello everyone! I'd like more information on Hermes Birkins and Kellys. What are the real price ranges of these bags at the Hermes store? It seems so outrageous to pay for bags that you probably could buy 2 pieces of at the store.
I wanted to know this-- if anyone can shed light on this issue: do ALL Hermes stores have computer generated receipts??? Or are there some branches of Hermes that still handwrite receipts?? It's been a boggle and I have actually emailed Hermes asking the very same question, though no reply has been made yet. So if anyone has had experience at the store wherein they got a handwritten receipt, please let me know!!
also, can anyone give advice on buying an authentic birkin/kelly on ebay? apart from making doubly sure about the credibility of the seller thru his/her feedback... how can you detect fakes? and also how can you be assured that once you pay via bankwire that the seller is going to deliver a REAL birkin? ive vaguely heard of stories wherein sellers actually post the REAL birkin onto the ebay site and deliver a replica...
lastly, can anyone also tell me How On Earth do these ebay sellers manage to have SO MANY birkin/kelly bags for sale??? anyone? help??javascript:emoticon('')
I wanted to know this-- if anyone can shed light on this issue: do ALL Hermes stores have computer generated receipts??? Or are there some branches of Hermes that still handwrite receipts?? It's been a boggle and I have actually emailed Hermes asking the very same question, though no reply has been made yet. So if anyone has had experience at the store wherein they got a handwritten receipt, please let me know!!
also, can anyone give advice on buying an authentic birkin/kelly on ebay? apart from making doubly sure about the credibility of the seller thru his/her feedback... how can you detect fakes? and also how can you be assured that once you pay via bankwire that the seller is going to deliver a REAL birkin? ive vaguely heard of stories wherein sellers actually post the REAL birkin onto the ebay site and deliver a replica...
lastly, can anyone also tell me How On Earth do these ebay sellers manage to have SO MANY birkin/kelly bags for sale??? anyone? help??javascript:emoticon('')