JLo's demands and her Vera Wang wedding gown

Jan 18, 2003
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Just wanted to share....


“JENNIFER GOT Vera Wang to make her an incredibly gorgeous dress, and really ran Vera’s staff ragged,” says the insider.
“The gown is worth at least $15,000 to $20,000, but Jennifer insisted she get it for free. The idea was that the publicity from the wedding would more than pay for the cost. Now, no wedding, and no publicity.”
“We have no comment,” says a rep for Wang.
Lopez’s spokesman also declined to discuss the story.
Just like how she 'demanded' free security from Miami Police, and they laughed at her :lol:
Gosh, Lopez really thinks she's THE s**t.
I'm sure she'lll pay for it now that it's been in a press B)
but honestly, what's $15 grand for J Lo who has millions? and they all say that Ben is so generous! yet he did not mind that his fiancee was getting a free wedding dress?
yes living in her own world, where everyone wants her perfumes, her clothes, and to listen to JLO and watch Jenifer Lopez - she thinks everyone wants to be around her, dress her etc....i think she truly thinks she is gods gift and that behavior will catch up with her.
I hate when people abuse of their power... :angry:

I'm still Jenny from the block.... yeh right :rolleyes:
I find it repugnant that a person with her bazillions would demand, and GET, a free $20,000 wedding dress when someone who sweats her guts out in a minimum wage job would be mocked for asking for a $200 dress free. I understand the commercial aspects. It still disgusts me. :angry:
i find it funny how y'all think tabloid information is 'the bible' :blink: basing your opinions on her and quoting things you've 'read' :unsure:
Originally posted by BeLLaJLo@Oct 24th, 2003 - 2:56 am
i find it funny how y'all think tabloid information is 'the bible' :blink: basing your opinions on her and quoting things you've 'read' :unsure:
This is besides the point but actually, the Bible should not be intepreted too literally. Moses, the apostles and otherauthors of the Bible frequently used figurative language to portray the literal truth. The Bible should be understood factoring the normal use of the language, the historical and cultural background, the context of the passage and the overall teaching of the Bible. You're not going to beat up naughty children when you read "spare the rod and spoil the child" but rather discipline them in a non-violent manner. :rolleyes:

That being said, pertaining to Ms J-I think I'm so da bomb-Lo, there is no smoke without FIRE. Bitchy, demanding ppl will get bitchy things said about them. Like Christina Aguilera or Shannon Doherty. :lol: :innocent: You don't see nasty comments being printed about say, Mandy Moore, and I've met and spoken to her in real life and she really *is* a nice, well-brought up girl. :)
I bugged me how I always read that Ben's generous tippping upset her. The whole Vera Wang thing reminded me of that..........I agree with Tealady-disgusting.
i agree that a lot of what we hear is not true, recently I read that Rene Zellweger was laughing about how she reads that she is eating tons of doughnuts to gain weight but she doesnt even like doughnuts! but then again maybe that was made up LOL... you can never really know what is truth and what is fact....latest example Demi and Ashton getting married, sounds like it wasnt even close to being the truth... we should not believe everything we hear especially when those being referenced have not commented - like Vera Wang.... but i also tend to believe that there is some truth to a lot of these stories... and a lot of them do turn out to be true - ethan cheating on uma.... best way to deal with tabloid rumor is to take it with a grain of salt.... until you hear it from the horses mouth... that is just my two cents!
Very true lele, there is always two sides to every story, and we don't even have the slightest clue sometimes even if the one side we hear of is partially true.

But when soooo many bellboys and famous hotels talk about her ridiculous behaviors and demands, and yelling at the staff because her sheets aren't white enough, one does tend to ponder if she really does have a diva like attitude. :innocent:

Besides, if she's really into all that Feng Shui, she'd know that white equals purity, something she doesn't have!

Must be really tough to be a celebrity, and make the right choices for their spirituality, that I do agree. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by lele@Oct 24th, 2003 - 10:10 am
yes I think all the jlo stuff indicates she is rude to people...when you hear the same stuff over and over... that says something!

the smoking gun's copy of her backstage contract says it all - in black and white!

i've worked for someone who managed big-name musicians. part of my work was to make sure contracts for tours and performances are up to par, and "riders" are met and fulfilled word-for-word. ;)

artists normally request extra pampering, and i've seen pretty bizarre :ninja: requests. :shock:

i think we should all have riders and have some else pay supply our demands hehehe :lol: oh wishfull thinking....

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