Mikey Colliss


Active Member
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hair Black;
Eyes Brown;
Height 6'0 / 183;
Chest 36 / 91;
Waist 31 / 79;
Shoe 9.5 US / 43 EU
W/ Elite Models

Photographic Assistants KAAMILAH NAHABOO & DAVE BIRD

Name: Mikey Colliss
Age: I'm 16
Location: I'm from West London.

How long have you been modelling?
Since the beginning of March, it’s about five months and a bit.

How have your experiences been so far?
Really good. It’s really good, a bit different. Not used to getting up really early and travelling around the whole of London, but now it’s alright cause I know the whole of the Underground off by heart, so that’s a plus.

What’s your dream modelling job?
I really wanna do something high end, like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Vogue, but then I’d wanna do a really cool shoot, like in a skate park, all in like Obey clothes, skinny jeans, snap-backs and all just riding boards and yeah, proper cool themed one.

Do you know any photographers that you’d like to work with?
I don’t really know that many photographers, but I know a few people that I’d like work with - Katie Eary, cause I didn’t get to do the show with her. And I worked with Tokyo James and he was really good, creative designer. And Cecilie, she’s really good. She helped me out, she got me my first pictures for my book.

What are you passionate about?
I play football, but I wouldn’t say I’m passionate about it, because it’s not really my main goal in life. I’m passionate about becoming successful.

Three random facts about yourself?
Three random facts? I am… cool? ha!

You’re cool?
I’m pretty cool.
I like… oh, I really want a sleeve tattoo, like both my arms tattooed, I wanna get heavily tattooed.

You’ve not got any at the moment?
No. And I really want a pug. Like my own one when I’m older. Just be this massive guy, heavily tattooed and I’ve got a tiny little pug.

Three good qualities about yourself?
I’m fun. I think it is a good quality to be sarcastic because it brings a bit of banter into the group with my friends. And I’m outgoing, I speak my mind, how I feel.

What’s your favourite TV show?
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Love it, love it. Or The Middle. And Modern Family. I dunno, one of them.

Where was the last place you went on holiday?
The last place? It was Portugal.

Have you been there a lot then? (Mikey’s quarter Portuguese/quarter Eqyptian/half Irish)
Not really a lot, I wouldn’t say a lot. But I’ve been to Egypt a lot.

If you were a song, what would you sound like?
Oh, what’s that’s guy’s name? Marvin Gaye.

Yeah. Actually no, I’d say… depends what mood I’m in. A bit of MJ, Michael Jackson.

Where are you from/what’s your heritage?
My mum’s Portuguese and Egyptian, my dad’s Irish.

How did you get into modelling?
I was at Ministry of Sound, at a 16-18 year old dubstep rave and I was scouted by Leah at Elite.

Your career seems to have taken off quite quickly. What have you done so far?
I’ve done quite a lot of things lately like Lyle & Scott campaign, a Supreme campaign, done a show with Lyle & Scott, done the web with Lyle & Scott, done Topman quite a lot for their web. And a few editorials and stuff.

What about catwalk?
Yeah I done the Shaun Samson show, and I did the Lyle & Scott show, Christopher Shannon (with the flowers on my face) and I did the Graduate Fashion Week.

Describe yourself in 3 words
Sarcastic, fun and outgoing.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was a kid? Well, like everyone, every little boy’s dream, a footballer, but obviously, reality… Like, the past couple of years I wanted to do stock broking, but that’s really hard to get into and also there’s no family life. I want to do something where you can have a social life and earn a bit of money as well as having, not just work, like work work, with no social life. So, I think like, acting would be quite cool. I think I want to do acting.

So are you studying at the moment?
Yeah, I just finished my GCSE’s and so I’m on a break this summer, but I’m gonna go back into college and do sports therapy.

Have you got any pets?
Yep, I’ve got 2 dogs, Tyson and Angel, they’re little Staffies. And got some tropical fish. And a pug. Called Doug.

Any hidden talents?
I can do the Donald Duck noise. (BBG: He showed us, it was a brilliant impression)

3 things that you really love?
I love? I love food. Like fast food. Ah, I live on it.
And I love shopping.
And I love just going out with my friends.

Are you superstitious? Got any lucky charms?
Yeah, I’m really superstitious! Like OCD. I’m like, one of those people, I won’t walk underneath the ladder, won’t walk underneath two… like the poles, black cat, even though I had two, used to have. And I got this necklace, and it’s my lucky necklace. (He pulls out a wooden cross from under his t-shirt). My nan gave it to me. Whenever I take it off, something bad happens to me.

Any dreams for the future? Modelling or otherwise?
I wouls love to become a supermodel. Yeah, and have everyone from different countries phoning me up, saying “Mikey, Mikey!” haha


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