Personal Statement


Nov 17, 2004
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Hi everyone,

I have decided to apply for a part time fashion degree that starts in October. As you may already know most if not all university applications require you to do a personal statement to support your application. I know you are meant to write about why you have chosen the course etc but I wanted to get come tips on what else to include and how long it should be? I am also really stuck on how to start it off and the structure of it.

Your help would be much appreciated.

My school took us to a university fair where one of the admissions tutors gave us a talk about how to get in to your ideal course at uni.

He said we have to sound really passionate about the subject. You live in England, so you have 6 uni's to apply to. You can't really cater your statement to each uni, so the admissions tutors look for people who love the course they are applying for.

E.g I did History at UCL. I wrote about my favourite periods of History, the reading I did outside school, and then to reassure them I wasn't a geek, (because uni's don't really want complete study freaks) told them about my extra curriculars (I made sure I did a lot) and how I loved socialising and being with friends. I also wrote about my passion for London as I was applying to all London universities.

Anyway I'm writing about history and you are applying for a fashion degree. But I'm sure the general point is the same - make sure they know you are passionate about the subject aswell as being good at it.

Good Luck...I hope you get all your offers in!
My personal statement this year just fitted onto a microsoft word document typed in font size 12, times new roman. Anymore than that and you've wrote too much.

My opening line was:

Fashion is forever changing and evolving; it is such an important part of society now because fashion is so accessible. I find fashion a very exciting subject and I have adored being able to explore the various areas of the subject through my Foundation Diploma in Art and Design.

You've got to say what you feel about fashion, your ideas, the designers you admire, also juice it up with some activities that aren't so fashion related...they still want someone who has a variety of things going on in their life, cultured etc. Talk about art if you like art, types of music you might like...although I'd avoid putting in anything too mainstream...sound a bit diverse, but you must write about stuff you know about...they could question you on it in the interview. Tell them about hobbies, and stuff you do to back up this love of fashion...(don't say 'i've got a passion for fashion' it's a killer in personal statements for design students) Talk about a particular era of fashion that you might like and why. Talk about work experience. How you keep upto date on the latest fashion could say internet, a variety of magazines etc etc. Don't sound high and mighty or's still good to keep in with high street goings on and such like, especially if you're wanting to go into can't pick and choose your companies then.

My finishing line in my statement was:
I feel this course would be a natural progression in my career and look forward to the opportunities and challenges it will bring.

Try and wrap it up in a positive and enthusiastic way...

^^ and amy that may very well be why you got an unconditional :)

alos in personal staements .. mention any volentery work etc. they like to se your not just motivated by money etc. and you are prepared to sacrifise time.

also for work experience .. even if youve just got a saterday job stacking shelfs in tesco or babysitting for family friends mention it .. no matter how silly you think it is as these will show comitment, time management, comunications, team work etc.

I ahve some sheets we were given in college ... ill try to find them for you and scan them :)

and also good luck with your personal statement
Hum ... we dont have to do such essays for college admissions here ... tho my friends have gone abroad and had to do it ... the tips they get mostly from recruiters and other students is to let your inner self shine ... put YOU on the paper and they'll love you !
I am applying to FIT's fashion merchandising program for Spring 2006. If you would care to be so kind as to review and critique my personal statement, please PM me ASAP.

Thank you!
kentucky*derby said:
I am applying to FIT's fashion merchandising program for Spring 2006. If you would care to be so kind as to review and critique my personal statement, please PM me ASAP.

Thank you!

do you mean spring 2007? because i am applying to FIT too for fashion merchandising
sh*t i have to do one too, im applying for an art foundation course and i have no clue what to write.,.........
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^Im doing an art foundation course now and i didn't have to do a statement..
This is a great thread. :flower: I am also applying to FIT for the Spring and really have no idea how to structure my essay. I have been researching on the internet for any tips or sample essays.
This thread is a really good reference, despite the fact that I'm applying for economics rather than fashion. I started my UCAS statement for London School of Economics a few days ago and I was pretty much told to show passion, give a solid example of work experience and discuss how it has benefitted you, and then mention your extracurricular and other activites in the final paragraph. :D :flower:
This thread is brilliant. Everyone has given me loads of inspiration for writing my own personal statement, so thanks!!
Ithillien said:
^Im doing an art foundation course now and i didn't have to do a statement..

we have to do 200 words in the actual application... where are you doing foundation?
At a college in yorkshire, I applied to a few and I just had to go for an interview with a portfolio for all of them, but that might be because i rang up and arranged it whilst in the process of quitting uni.

I've done the ucas personal statement think twice though, its annoying lol
Also keep in mind that the people reading your apps read TONS of them, so a bit of a twist in your writing style can go a long way, especially in an opening sentence.
Good day!
At the moment Im applying to several fashion management courses thhrough UCAS so ive allredy done my statement although im not sure about it. I agree that your 1st sentence should attract readers sttnetion to the statement. Could anyone plese read mine and tell their opinion if it good enough or not. Thank you in advance.
I love fashion because I think it is not only a popular item you wear at the moment. It is how different people want to be seen. Fashion is studying your customers psychology. Fashion is how current affairs that happen in the world or culture and art influences what we desire to buy next season. Fashion is also a fast-changing industry that depends on the tastes and choices of a customer.
Thats it. Thank you.
Welcome to tFS, Dino!

I like where you are going with this but it needs to be edited to say the same thing with fewer and more concise words. In fact... you actually said it yourself ... "your 1st sentence should attract readers sttnetion to the statement." (Oh, and dont' forget the spelling and grammer ... it has to be perfect!)

I'd suggest that you drop the "I love fashion because" and then say something like "Fashion is much more than what is popular to wear at the moment ... it is a reflection of the mood and direction of the people of the world." One sentance that wraps up your intial thought.

If you think it's necessary, start a new paragraph with a couple of sentances about what specifically infulences fashion and how it impacts people's lives. NO more than that. It's not a test ... it's a statement about you.

Then move on to what you need to say about yourself. Perhaps they might be looking for a sense of what you envision as your place in the fashion world, what your skills and talents are and how you can use them in you career. It is about your drive to succeed, your willingness to do the work to get there and your vision.

Good luck!
my art teacher told me "LOVE" is a word u never use in personal statement...
don't know y, but... there should be a good reason...
I used "love" in my personal statement for law schools and they ate it up. I don't think there are any rules as long as you don't sound derivative. "Love" might've worked in mine just because I was pretty colloquial the whole way through.
Good day! Thank you for a comment :D
Im just not sure if mine is good because i dont know how high their requirements are. At same time my teacher who advising studints but shes not specialising with fashion of course. So she says mine is good statement and they may not ask as much because im international student.
Basicaly I repeated word Fashion to make kind of an impact on reader that fashion is not only o clothes that we are wearing...
In next paragraphs I just wrote about my 1st management degree, and subjects ive learnt there... then why Ive chosen to study in uk... some of my hobbies...

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