Taii Gordon


Obsessed with our model Taii Gordon!!

If Taii ruled the world for a day what would you do? Get a big *** house, live with loads of cats.. Family and bad *** mates.. Marry Robert Plant (because he will love me) and have a massive dope street party and party all day and night..and wake without a hangover of course!! ..Obviously you girls are at the top of the list!!
Fave movie? Erm… I don’t know. So many to choose from.. I can’t pick.. I love me some Transformers. They my home boys!
Fave song? Again.. So many..My all time favorite would have to be ‘Since I’ve Been Loving You’ by Led Zeppelin
What’s the best thing about London? The individuality of the different styles. You can walk out the house in a bin bag and make that mother****er look good and nobody would bat an eyelid!!
Girls rules because…. BECAUSE WE ****ING DO!!!!!
Who would you love to model for? Apart from you guys? Karl Lagerfeld/Chanel.. That man is a King!!
Kate moss or Angelina Jolie? Angelina Moss.. I can’t pick.. I love the Jolie.. but love the Moss!! Ahhh dribble
Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt? Johnny Depp
Lover or a fighter? Lover.. with the occasional kick and back hand!
Day or Night? Day, I love the night too!

Big pics (except last one) from Badlands777's facebook

Taii Gordon, once again modelling her beauty for me with the works of the 3D make up.
Photographer: Rio-Romaine
Make Up + Hair: Margarida Marinho

click twice to see full size!

Models take control
When a photographer handed over her camera to a group of young models, the girls relished the new taste of creative freedom.
BY Emily Senior | 11 December 2011

Taii Gordon, 18


'I was scouted in Topshop when I was 15. It was pure luck - it wasn't the kind of shop I normally hung around in. I had a slightly "different" style. I was wearing baggy jeans with a big Puffa jacket and trainers. My hair was blue and I had barely-there eyebrows and a nose piercing. Being asked to be a model was the last thing on my mind.
So it was cool that I was able to incorporate some of my own style in these pictures; normally that's all stripped away.
Getting into character on a shoot is like acting at times, but I also keep an aspect of me in there or it can get a little tiring on a nine-to-five day of shooting.
I come from a big family and whenever we take pictures at home not one will be serious. That's always helped me be less inhibited in front of the camera. For this project I was just acting as if I was fooling around at home. I wanted to do that instead of stony-faced poses. Modelling doesn't mean having to take yourself seriously all the time.'




she just seems like such a cool chick. I want her to turn the industry upside down.
Models take control
When a photographer handed over her camera to a group of young models, the girls relished the new taste of creative freedom.
BY Emily Senior | 11 December 2011

Taii Gordon, 18


'I was scouted in Topshop when I was 15. It was pure luck - it wasn't the kind of shop I normally hung around in. I had a slightly "different" style. I was wearing baggy jeans with a big Puffa jacket and trainers. My hair was blue and I had barely-there eyebrows and a nose piercing. Being asked to be a model was the last thing on my mind.
So it was cool that I was able to incorporate some of my own style in these pictures; normally that's all stripped away.
Getting into character on a shoot is like acting at times, but I also keep an aspect of me in there or it can get a little tiring on a nine-to-five day of shooting.
I come from a big family and whenever we take pictures at home not one will be serious. That's always helped me be less inhibited in front of the camera. For this project I was just acting as if I was fooling around at home. I wanted to do that instead of stony-faced poses. Modelling doesn't mean having to take yourself seriously all the time.'



Such a striking beauty.

And no work
This girl has got an AMAZING face:wub:. I'd love for her to get noticed real soon & career to take off:P

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