Okay,I couldn't find a thread somehow yet I remember there being something mentioned,I think by Anna. Could you guys locate it and perhaps merge it. And I wasn't sure if it would be right in the mag's forum seeing as they're so many and would get lost amongst it all.
directly from this month's newsletter for Unit-F*
THE ALL SEASON FASHION PAPER†††††††††††††††††††††
SpringSummer FallWinter - new website
The All Season Fashion Paper, published by Unit F buro fur mode,
has a new website.
Find all the information on the current issue, back issues, subscription and
distribution at www.fashionpaper.at.
In the recent†"Forever Issue"†you will find†contributions by†the†fashion journalist
Diane Pernet/Paris†and the†illustrator Sylvia Prada/Barcelona†on the topic
Forever Fashion,†the†photographer Bettina Komenda/Vienna-Paris†and†author
Joachim Bessing/Hamburg†about Forever Beauty.†Further†texts†and†editorials†
come†from Lisa Holzer, Andrea Hurton, Antje Mayer, Wendy & Jim,
Natascha Hochenegg, Robert Schwaighofer, Petar Petrov/all Vienna,
Daniel Riera/Barcelona†and†Rafa Rodriguez/Madrid.
directly from this month's newsletter for Unit-F*