Not sure what we were expecting though. Pop as we knew it back in the day is dead, pop culture revoles around Kylie Jenner, Instagram and awful Youtubers and that's not The Face material. That's what we get in Paper, Dazed or some similar s*it magazine that's trying to do what Face used to do back then. What madeThe Face interesting is that era alone and they can't channel that same energy and iconic vibe with Dua Lipas and the likes of Harry Styles we have today. It just doesn't work in this new world cause pop stars today are... not stars. Everyone's just safe and boring, there's no groundbreaking talent and visionaires. Instead of iconic covers, we'll be getting Vanity Fair portraits of boring singers and mediocre designers, it's just not interesting. Such a shame they're ruining the memory of a once great magazine.