Tibi S/S 2024 New York

One of the worst things these NYFW brands do is presenting in industrial, white, concrete spaces. A beautiful interior covered in dark wood with a slightly dimmed lighting would do wonders. Even a small apartment or cafe could be a great choice. The hair styling and make up is also terrible.
Prestige Theory. I kinda love how non branded it is.
Love love love Amy and Tibi. It's pointless to have a show when your label thrives off unique patterns and engineered oddities. It's not every ones cup of tea, but one thing is certain, Tibi has a strong base of a clientelle who is willing to spend.
The runway location isn't appealing, makes everything look so minute in presence and also so washed out.

What is presented knows what it is about. Unbranded, accessible and kind of "boring" in that necessary way. Not wanky or pretentious (expect for the location... but that's New York for you I guess).
In a different setting, mood and tone, this could have really worked.
With collections as bland as this I might as well just look at my window and watch the weeds slowly grow in my garden.
With collections as bland as this I might as well just look at my window and watch the weeds slowly grow in my garden.

Agreed and specially this one with the mutted palette I feel like I'm just seing black and beige all over in the simplest clothes ever in the simplest location ever with not enough beauty to dream or curiosity to check their offerings in the future. It's just not intriguing.

The green dress looks like it came straight from a hospital nurse.

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