Vogue Czechoslovakia September 2022


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Jan 9, 2008
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Cover #1 with Nyagua Ruea by Marek Micanek:

Cover #2 with Adriana Sklenarikova by Branislav Simoncik:

Cover #3 with Emily Krause by Tereza Mundilová:

Cover #4 with Emily Kasten by Ladislav Kyllar:

I don't get that oblique caption "fashion's surreal new world". What is it for?
Cover #3 with Balenciaga mask is brilliant. Very mysterious and disturbing.
I'm looking forward to see editorial with Adriana Sklenarikova.
the placement of the words is terrible, and it appears to be some sort of stock "fashion" photography
the first two covers are more than enough. both good equally but I wish Adriana was facing the camera (I don’t think profiles make excellent covers).
I like the first three, very apocalyptic couture which isn't really my cup of tea but it works here because it's VCS. The watermark is a fun creative direction to go in, although I'm not entirely sure what it represents. It's interesting and unique, I'll take it.
Well, that's one way to present fall fashion lol

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