What city do you want to see featured in Resort/Pre-Fall/other Off-Season Shows?

I think Jerusalem would be amazing.

I feel like that city's culture consists of a much religion that if a collection were based on Jerusalem there would be so much cultural appropriation it would cause some serious trouble
I would love to see Dior or Chanel presenting their shows in South America. Chanel Cruise in Venezuela or Colombia would be great.
Amazing Resort collections could be in...

Jeju Island
Barbados (?)
Rio de Janero

Amazing Pre-fall collections could be in...

St. Petersburg
If the collection isn't based on the city it's presented in then who cares because all we'll see is a runway.

That being said, Dublin or Berlin would be very nice.
Galliano for Margiela in macchu Picchu - Cuzco, Peru
Go to Baltimore. I'm sure they'd LOVE to see a bunch of well-heeled fashionistas hocking overpriced crap in their city right about now.

I like the idea of someplace that might be less than hospitable. :ninja: Papua New Guinea? Their capital is Port Moresby.
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Chanel-Montreal sounds AMAZING!

Yes, definitely! Montreal is such a inconspicuous yet appropriate place for a Pre-fall collection.

Go to Baltimore. I'm sure they'd LOVE to see a bunch of well-heeled fashionistas hocking overpriced crap in their city right about now.

The US needs to ease over the riots and hostility in that area first before anything.
^ After Karl's 'protest' theme in his last runway show, it's just a short step to a riot theme. He already has the grocery store set ... :rolleye:

There was a paris - Byzantium (Byzantium became Constantinople then Istanbul) collection done by chanel, but I think it took place in Paris and not Istanbul, it did have the Byzantine theme

I know it sounds kinda strange but I would want a historic Baghdad themed collection, something along the lines of A Thousand and One Nights...something cerebral and magical like how the city once was
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