I've thought a lot about troubles nowadays with authentic bags and the uncertainty of buyers whether the goods they purchased are indeed the real deal.
Coming from an Electrical Engineering background, I had the following thought. How about RFIDs embedded in handbags? In case you are clueless, RFID stands for Radio Frequency Indentification, basically a miniature computer chip that send out a certain ID when polled by a reader. It's already in use worldwide in a multitude of applications... why don't large fashion companies equip their treasure with tiny RFIDs that could be quickly checked for the proper encoded electronic signature of the bag? The little devices are cheap and can be produced by the millions easily these days.
Sure, cracking the encoding and implanting *fake* RFIDs would happen eventually on really good imitates, but it certainly would make things a whole lot harder for chinese sweat shops to crank out fake LVs by the thousands a day.
Just a thought to play with.
Coming from an Electrical Engineering background, I had the following thought. How about RFIDs embedded in handbags? In case you are clueless, RFID stands for Radio Frequency Indentification, basically a miniature computer chip that send out a certain ID when polled by a reader. It's already in use worldwide in a multitude of applications... why don't large fashion companies equip their treasure with tiny RFIDs that could be quickly checked for the proper encoded electronic signature of the bag? The little devices are cheap and can be produced by the millions easily these days.
Sure, cracking the encoding and implanting *fake* RFIDs would happen eventually on really good imitates, but it certainly would make things a whole lot harder for chinese sweat shops to crank out fake LVs by the thousands a day.
Just a thought to play with.