Hi everyone, so I retired from modeling, maybe a month ago, but I’ve been trying to figure out how or whether to say so here, because instagram is kind of a distant and insincere medium. But I needed to let you know, I am no longer a model, for the moment at least, and I am feeling breathless and amazed, at the end of this unexpected four year career, that I actually was a model, that it happened at all. I can’t convey sufficiently my gratitude to everyone, too too many people to name, who made my career. How to thank my agencies, @fordmodels and @ford_paris, for being a family to me since I was sixteen and supporting me thru thick and thin (literally) and bringing me some pretty surreal opportunities? How to thank the casting directors who took a chance on me, and the clients who hired me and were always dignified and caring? The brilliant photographers and stylists? The patient and visionary hair and makeup artists? How to repay the gift I’ve received of travel to new & wonderful parts of the world? And to thank my insta followers! You guys have been a blast and I’ve never thanked you for being here, watching this space. I expect many of you will leave now and I just wanted to say its been a pleasure

I started this all as a single “gap year” between high school and college and here I am after not one but 3 gap years.... finally turning towards school again. Wish me well ❤️