A question about tights and skirts..


Aug 11, 2005
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Hi everyone! :flower:

I'm new here and i really hope this topic is ok to post as most of the threads appear to be more general ...:blush:

But i really need some help. I've lived in a warm country most of my life, so i'm clueless when it comes to winter dressing (i *live* in my shorts and miniskirts and pretty camis!). Anyhoo...i'm going to Europe in Jan for the first time (Yay!) and i want to look good (will be meeting bfs friends/family for the first time). My main question is about tights. I love pastel colours, so i tend to wear alot of pinks, lilacs, lemon, etc. opposed to blacks/dark blues. And I get bored with the whole jeans and a sweater combo. I never know how to dress up/spice up jeans and a sweater!

Sooo i was thinking of wearing skirts too. Problem is, i like miniskirts...as im only 4'11, i just find that longer skirts don't suit me and make me look even shorter. SO, to my question (sorry it took so long!) if i want to say wear a PINK woolen mini, and knee high boots...what tights do i wear? Im guessing it will be a bit cold to go bare legged...and sheer nude stocking aren't really warm (are they?). But black stockings don't go too well with a pink skirt (i tried it on)...and white stockings don't particularly appeal to me...they'll probably make me look like a tiny kid again with my height and all :lol:

Does that leave me with no options? Should i scrap the pink skirt idea? I just have a pink woolen skirt i would love to wear but ack....i can't think how to wear it and still be warm!

Thank you very much for any advice!:heart:
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You may have to try wearing darker coloured mini-skirts like dark blues, purples or greens. They would go with black tights much better.

However, I think black woolen tights would look ok with the pink skirt (depending on what shade of pink it is and what colour your boots are). I assume your boots are black?

Maybe you could try knee length pencil skirts. They're very figure hugging and won't stump your height as long as you wear with some good chunky heels.
Thanks susie bubble. Yeah, my boots are black...i have 2 pink skirts, one is more hot pink with a cream pattern on it, but mainly fuschia in colour...the others baby pink. Both looked a bit strange to me in the black tights.:unsure: Which is disappointing cos i was hoping to wear them! I :heart: pink clothes.

This is going to sound so silly....but is a pencil skirt simply a straight skirt? Any pics? :smile: Would these look better with boots or simply pumps?



Pics from vogue.co.uk

Some examples above.

They can work with boots depending on the colour and length. Easier to work with pumps....a round toe pump with a cone heel would work very nicely.

The deep pink/fuschia I think should work with black tights. Have you tried brown or grey tights? Grey and pink are a very good combination. Like grey woolen ribbed tights?
Thanks heaps for that. :heart:

Hmm i guess its just because i think it looks much better *without* the tights or with sheer stockings compared to black, hence why i think it doesn't go with black. It probably goes *OK* i just prefer the look with sheer stockings which may be why im not satisfied with the black?

But trying grey or brown sounds like a good idea! I didn't even think of that. Will definitely look into that. You've been really helpful!
Welcome Racergirl :flower:

Agree with Susie that the fuschia skirt might work with the black. The only unknown there is the cream pattern, but if you balance it with black on top, I think it would work. I wouldn't do the baby pink & black though :wink:

Are the black boots you're only footwear option? I ask because I think cream tights, particularly cream textured tights would look nice, but only with a lighter shoe...
Thanks Curious! Hmmm...black boots won't be my only footwear option...im planning to get some shoes when i go to asia in less than 2 weeks (before i head off to Europe).

I was just thinking that cream tights with a pink skirt might make me look a bit kiddy though :unsure: Thats why i was hesistant on the cream/white tights.

Another question: Do u think its skanky to wear a mini in winter? Do many people do it? I ask because i asked this question in another forum and one person said no one in UK wears minis in winter, only skanky school girls! Im Not going to UK....im mainly going t o Croatia and Italy...no idea what they wear in winter there!
:lol: Only if you wear a mini w/ nude legs & heels! You can instantly "de-skankify" it with tights & a flat boot/shoe :wink:

Well, you have a point with the pink/cream combo. I guess pale pink is hard to pull off in general for that reason. I think it could be done though. I was thinking of a light colored slouchy boot with either flat or with a stacked heel...

I've also been drawn to pink & burgundy lately. Dusty pink in particular.
I was going to suggest grey tights, but I see susie's already done so :wink: Part of the issue may be, if you're used to bare legs, black opaque tights will take a bit of getting used to. You'll need to adjust your eye ...

I think crocheted tights are pretty, but I usually wear the more patterned ones with long skirts or cropped pants, so it's not the whole leg's worth of pattern ...

Btw, I think the world definitely needs an online tights store ... one of you entrepreneurial types should make it happen B)
It can be really really cold in Europe in january..I didnt understand exactly where you are going..but dressed in minis I hope you are going to Sicily or the Canary Islands!:wink:
Hmm im going to mainly Croatia and Italy...might travel around other areas a bit...but will mainly stay in those two! I have no idea what people there wear in winter...but yeah it might be too cold for skirts? :( I just don't know how to dress up jeans or pants with a sweater...it seems so boring!
In the north of Italy it's really really cold in the winter...

In Rome it's a softer/warmer climate and minis are really appreciated!..

Here you can basically dress how you want... if you go outside the official dresscode people will stare at you...I just think it's funny..italians are so scared of being different! (hope that no one will be offended..anyway..i :heart:this country and the peolpe here:flower:)
Hey Emi...i only *just* realised you were in Italy! :lol: Could you please tell me what the official dress code is there? I mean what do most girls wear there in winter? In Italy, i will be in Rome and Milan, I don't think i will be going to other parts.

Do you still need to wear tights with minis if you have knee high boots? Please give me some italian fashion advice! :wink:
The normal adult winter outfit should be skinny jeans, knee-high boots, not too short woolcoat, matched scarf/hat/gloves, designer handbag...

Kids are more into baggy really low-waisted over-washed denim with ugly logoed belts, sneakers, colorful bombers with a lot of applications and prints...

Not so much dresses and skirts...

But don't worry..people are like everywhere else (I suppose)!
I'm glad someone started this thread! I was thinking about this last night (instead of reading), and I came to the conclusion that tights perplex me. But I like them.

I've been trying to figure out what to wear with these great knee high black boots I have. I have to go out for a friend's birthday soon, and I kind of want to rock them, but I can't figure out tights. Would black opaque ones work, or too imposing with all black?
Because this thread is about tights and skirts I thought I would post my question here.

Does anyone else have major static issues? I'm not sure if it's the shoes I wear or not, but when I wear a black dress with black tights and my black mj flats I always get so much static that I just end up taking the tights off because it drives me mad. Anyone else have this this problem? What do they do to rectify it? I don't have any static guard with me....and i'm not sure they even sell it in the UK.
Meg...is the dress lined? I would think it more likely to be due to the fabric of the dress than due to the flats...hmm,I don't know what to do about it though,sorry...

Racergirl I can relate to the problem of not knowing what to wear in a cold climate;I moved here from a climate that was very temperate,about 4 years ago now.

I must say that a pastel mini skirt is not a good idea in January.Knee length would be much better,even considering your height. (I'm 5'2). Also,bear in mind that it'll be much colder than you can even imagine now.You'll probably feel colder than the locals too.And when you meet new people,the most important thing is to feel comfortable.You want to be individual,but you don't want to be impractical and high maintenance:smile:.

So whatever you decide,make sure you are totally confident about it.Also,it can be hard to buy warm enough clothes in warmer countries...another good idea could be to save some money and do a bit of shopping here:smile:.And many thin-ish layers is better than one heavy one.

Good luck!! (Maybe post some pics of examples:wink: ? )
Meg I think you can get 'bounce' sheets for the tumble drier...I know people who used to use them on their hair to stop it becoming static when they brushed it etc...maybe if you rubbed them onto your tights/inside of your skirt then it might prevent the static?...just a stab in the dark.
hmm thanks for the tip FFF. I might try that out. Quirky, the dress is technically lined. Basically it's a dress that came with a slip underdress and both of them stick together to form a big cloth blob around my knees! :lol:
^^^:lol: What a pity...I hope FFF's tips help;I'll try to remember them for future reference!

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