Leo and Gisele 'split' - *updated*


Active Member
Oct 17, 2004
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Ah, what would a year be without this story cropping up again!


Leonardo Dicaprio and his model girlfriend ,Gisele, have reportedly split-up. again.
Sources claim the on-off couple have decided to call time on their relationship after a series of arguments.

A friend told Britain's News of the World newspaper: "It was bound to happen sooner or later."

The star pair have always had a rocky relationship since they started dating four years ago.

Gisele split briefly from Leonardo last year, after reportedly becoming tired of waiting for him to propose.

In October 2004, the catwalk beauty was spotted fleeing their Los Angeles home before flying to New York.

A source close to the couple said at the time: "It's definitely over. Gisele got fed up with waiting for Leo to pop the question. She loves him but doesn't see him as the man she will marry."

The Brazilian beauty previously ditched Leo in 2001 after a huge row over his partying with friends.

But the handsome actor won her back several months later after bombarding her with flowers and phone calls, and taking her on a romantic holiday to Hawaii.

Leo one said of Gisele: "Part of being in a relationship is loyalty, and I will say that Gisele is a wonderful human being."
awww they made such a beautiful couple, i hope they get back together..who cares if Leo didnt propose, they are still young, its not like Gisel has to worry about her biological clock or anything...
dont they split like all the time?
i swear it happens just before fashion week :lol:
maybe it gives her a bit more of a strut in her walk
Acid said:
dont they split like all the time?
i swear it happens just before fashion week :lol:
maybe it gives her a bit more of a strut in her walk
:lol: :lol: lol Acid, thats funny...but i didnt know she was going to be at the fashion week this year...
ohhh noooooo, they have to get back together and i hope that s not even true, they make such a cute couple and Leo has to propose soon. maybe this time, he ll learn his lesson and asks her to marry him sooner rather than later
Gee isn't she only 22/23?
I spose if you really love someone than age doesn't matter.
She should question him.... as he obviously isn't ready to settle down yet :S
Acid said:
dont they split like all the time?
i swear it happens just before fashion week :lol:
maybe it gives her a bit more of a strut in her walk

LOL. :lol:
cocomonkey4 said:
if she is so eager to marry him why doesn't she just propose to him???

I'm sure since she's so public about her strong desire to get married that she must have discussed it with him. He probably told her to wait a while until he's sure or ready or something and hence she is tired of waiting.. I think she's just from a culture where marriage is a very happy thing and I think she wants to have kids from a young age.

I know men who have stringed women along promising them a marriage then maybe finally do it just coz nothing better came along :rolleyes: if I were her I would leave him too! They've been together for waayyy too long for him to say he doesn't know her well enough or anything! But then again I don't wanna get married now lol.
Juliet said:
I think she's just from a culture where marriage is a very happy thing

Isn't that lovely. I am not very pro-marriage but when it is such a positive part of your culture it can't be anything but good. I envy the kind of big bubbly family Gisele has that doesn't really exist in the West. You know where there a millions of nieces and aunts and uncles and cousins. I think your avatar is soooooo dreamy by the way! :blush:

K done being romantic and sounding like an extra from Pleasantville
I don't know if this is for real or final. They seem to split up and get get back together on a regulr basis. But I don't see them lasting. Granted i'm only an outsider looking in- I don't know either of them but they don't seem well matched in the long term.

For one thing Gisele has been very public about her desire to get married and have kids. Leo's said he wants a family at some point in the future, but for now he's happy doing what he's doing. Gisele is only 25 (and Leo is only 30) so her biological clock isn't exactly an issue- if she wants kids now that's fine but she: a) doesn't have to rush- if she wants it to be with Leo she can wait while longer and see if he's ready or b) Find someone who IS ready for a family. Or she can propose to him. There is no law against that. She has options at this age.

Secondly, Gisele has said she wants to quit modelling within the next two years, but isn't sure what she wants to do with the rest of her life (other than have kids). Leo on the other had seems to be in it for the long haul. He's said he loves the process of filmmaking and wants to work on both sides of the camera for years to come. It could be a real source of conflict if Leo is very dedicted to his career, while Gisele is in the midst of a major transition.

Plus, these two have history of splitting up when they run into problems (as opposed to wroking through them, they put the whole relationship aside and come back to it once they've forgotten what they were disagreeing about). Once you're married, well, it's much harder to be "off again"

Also, Gisele has said when she's done modelling she wants to set up permanent home in Brazil near her family, while Leo seems to have strong roots in LA.

I'm not saying this break-up is even true, and everything I say is pure speculation. But I wouldn't bet money on these to still being an item in 10 years- no matter how cute they may look together.
They've been together for a century so people just can't imagine them with anyone else but one another. To be honest I can't. Although I do wonder how genuine Gisele is about wanting kids and married life so soon. I dislike her constant blurt outs to the press about wanting babies NOW; talk about adding pressure to a relationship!

The fact Leonardo has said he wants to aim for De Niro/Brando status speaks volumes of his ambitions.

Interesting to see how these two conclude....
roppal222 said:
They've been together for a century so people just can't imagine them with anyone else but one another. To be honest I can't. Although I do wonder how genuine Gisele is about wanting kids and married life so soon. I dislike her constant blurt outs to the press about wanting babies NOW; talk about adding pressure to a relationship!

The fact Leonardo has said he wants to aim for De Niro/Brando status speaks volumes of his ambitions.

Interesting to see how these two conclude....
Well it hasn't exactly been a century. I thinkit's 5 years. And they were broken up through 2002 when Gisele dated a Brazillian billionaire for a few monthes and Leo dated Sara Foster for a little while. And before they started dating Gisele dated male model Scott Barnhill for 2-3 I think (and then she lived with some-one else for a while). And Leo had a reputation for dating around, so it is possible for me to imagine them with others.

I also wonder if her desire for kids immediately is 100% genuine, but I think she probably wants them at some point. The fact that she is always talking about wanting it right now provides lots of fodder for the gossip columns (and gets her considerable publicity- I'm not saying that's WHY she does it, but it does).

I agree that Leo seems very serious and ambitious in terms of his career. I think he has the talent and potential to achieve DeNiro/Brando status someday, but it requires him to keep his career a priority for a while. On Oprah he said he wants marriage and kids "someday" but wasn't ready for that yet.
lostgirl said:
The fact that she is always talking about wanting it right now provides lots of fodder for the gossip columns (and gets her considerable publicity- I'm not saying that's WHY she does it, but it does).

I'll go out on a limb : I think she in part says it cos she knows she'll get publicity for it. She's not a stupid girl. She knows her relationship with Leonardo gives her much of - if not the vast majority - of the celebrity status she continues to enjoy today. She's spoken constantly of the hassle she 'suffers' at the hands of the press over the scrutiny of her relationship, so why dop little comments like that then hey G?

Who knows with these two....

Just to be random: think Leonardo makes a nice couple with Julia Stegner :P :D
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