Madonna defends her devotion to the Jewish teachings of Kabbalah


Apr 14, 2004
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Madonna has staunchly defended her devotion to the mystical Jewish teachings of Kabbalah.
"It would be less controversial if I joined the Nazi Party," she said. The pop queen admitted she found it strange that her religion disturbed so many people, but put it down to a lack of understanding.

"It's not hurting anybody," she said. "'What do you mean you study the Torah if you're not Jewish?'"
"'What do you mean you pray to God and wear sexy clothes? We don't understand this.' It frightens people. So they try to denigrate it or trivialise it so that it makes more sense."
The 47-year-old said she could relate to Tom Cruise, who has been ridiculed for being a Scientologist.
"If it makes Tom Cruise happy, I don't care if he prays to turtles," Madonna said. "And I don't think anybody else should."

Guru 'extortion'

The singer spoke to the New York Daily News as it emerged that the Kabbalah guru credited with persuading her to make a pilgrimage to Israel last year was arrested for allegedly extorting a cancer-stricken woman out of some £28,000.
Shaul Youdkevitch was accused of convincing a Tel Aviv couple the woman would be healed if they donated large sums of money to the Kabbalah Centre.
Madonna said it made her particularly angry when the religion was portrayed by the media as a cult.

"We're all in a cult," she said. "In this cult we're not encouraged to ask questions. And if we do ask questions, we aren't going to get a straight answer. The world's in the cult of celebrity. That's the irony of it."
The singer-turned-children's author dismissed the notion that she has become ultra-conservative and "preachy" in her older years.
"What do you call 'preachy'?" she asked. "Having an opinion? Guilty as charged!"
Defending her famed refusal to allow her two young children to watch television, she added: "It's not conservative. It's actually very punk-rock to not watch TV."

Madonna, who is promoting her new album Confessions on a Dance Floor, said she had given up on acting but wanted to direct.
But she insisted her singing career was far from over. "I'm not thinking of quitting," she said. "I ain't going nowhere."
Alicia9 said:
"If it makes Tom Cruise happy, I don't care if he prays to turtles," Madonna said. "And I don't think anybody else should."

I think the point she missed was that Tom was so vocal about it, and that's why so many people grew to resist it (and him).

And what's up with the title? Was that the title of the article? Pretty out of context... :unsure:
^I agree, it's not that anyone cares that Tom is a scientologist or that Madonna in Kabbalah. It's when pple like them preach to others as if their religion si right and any other way is the wrong way. That's what pple don't like.:rolleyes:
i totally agree, dreams are made.
ps: your avatar scares the bejesus out of me. what is it?
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I agree! is it Gwyneth Paltrow. If it is Sienna Miller I can understand why that would be scary :ninja:
I just had a fairly humerous mental image of Tom Cruise praying to a shrine of Ninja Turtle memorabilia.
Belowen - LOL!

I've heard some of my Jewish friends protest at Kabblah because it's not even representative of the Jewish faith although Madonna seems to promote it as if it is. And although not necessarily through fault of her own - she has made Kabblah trendy. There was that whole period where celebs were wearing the thin red wristband for the sake of it (victoria beckham you know who you are)

And yep bang on Erin - I couldn't care less if Tom prayed to turtles's the fact he uses his 'beliefs' to preach down to other people that makes him the issue of discontent for others. Besides isn't getting a girl knocked up outside of marriage at odds with scientology? Always said it - people are selective about what religious values they choose to adhere to..

Drives me mad....
SiennaInLondon said:
I agree! is it Gwyneth Paltrow. If it is Sienna Miller I can understand why that would be scary :ninja:
:lol: Hush up now. Lmao.

lunabella It is indeed Sienna. It's a scene from Alfie, the coloring is a bit creepy and that's why I chose it. :heart:
"It's not conservative. It's actually very punk-rock to not watch TV."

Haha, someone should tell the punk-rockers that....

......of course Madonna knows, she is so punk :rolleyes: (gag)
Who cares! Her new album is so danceable and not about kabbalah. It's just pure fun. ^_^
Have to admit, her new song is s***-hot. She's always on fine form musically.

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