Saw, the movies


oh! darling
Dec 17, 2005
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I'm a horror movie junkie [at times], but this sent me over the edge to never see another again.

Is anyone else fascinated by the gore of this movie?

I love the messages these movies portray like forgiveness, letting go of things that are out of your control/obsession, and integrity.

The ultimate message of these movies really gets to me, that we need to learn what our lives mean to us. Whether you chop off your own leg or you have to dig into your own eye to retrieve a key that'll free you, what's worth more? Your leg, your eye... or your life?

What do you get from these movies?
my uncle who works in film knows the director of these movies.
my uncle was going to be a dead body in one of the movies :rofl: :rofl:
these movies really question your sanity! :lol:

But something draws me to horrifying, sadistic, gory movies.

I guess im so drawn to the Saw series because it really challenges you to think beyond your comfort level and to risk your life in order to save it.

I mean, you dont know if you will poke your eye out for the sake of stopping the game unless you are deeply engrossed in that situation.

Anyway, I cant wait to watch Saw IV!!!! :buzz:
I've never seen any, but they sound pretty stupid, from what I've read... Like there's supposed to be some kind of humanitarian message? Clearly the main 'criminal' guy gets off on torture, not helping people appreciate their lives, or he wouldn't be thinking of these schemes in the first place. I don't know what that says about the directors... I've liked some fairly gory horror films, but all accept the violence as abhorable, even in the context of the films themselves. :innocent: The fact that this seems to have some kind of moral message promoting it is beyond stupid...
Actually it's quite true. You can get a lot of not just Saw but any piece of work, but it is shadowed with the traps and the torture and the blood.

Everything has a message. I use to argue with my teacher that books like "Tom Sawyer" and "The Cantebury Tales" didn't have messages; we were just over-analyzing.

I don't think people go for the message anyway even though I personally found that there is one. The college guys sitting in front of me seemed to be checking out the lady with the large breasts :innocent:
Actually it's quite true. You can get a lot of not just Saw but any piece of work, but it is shadowed with the traps and the torture and the blood.

Everything has a message. I use to argue with my teacher that books like "Tom Sawyer" and "The Cantebury Tales" didn't have messages; we were just over-analyzing.

I don't think people go for the message anyway even though I personally found that there is one. The college guys sitting in front of me seemed to be checking out the lady with the large breasts :innocent:
Ha, that last comment makes me want to play find-the-message with the Pamela Anderson catalog, at least. :P
I hate scary movies but I love the Saw movies. I've only seen the first and third ones so far, and I thought they were both great. I think it's more of a psychological thriller and if you don't mind the blood, there's nothing scary about it. They really make you think and have surprises, which is why I like them.
I hated this movie. Though, it does make you think. Mainly because I put myself in the characters position I mean how far would I go to live? Then I stop thinking about it and tell myself it could never happen to me...

Then I scare myself all over again.
I've never seen any of the movies but I was an extra on a film set the other day and one of the actors said he was in Saw 2.
Torture p*rn. Look it up.

It's a shame that kids are being brought up on these films and think they're 'scary' - remember the classy, actually scary movies like Kubrick's The Shining? Yeah, we can't come up with good ideas anymore for 'scary movies' so we have films where the bad guys chop people up and have sex with their dead bodies.
Seriously? I don't think that happens in any of the Saw movies.

The only movie I remember where anything was close to "torture p*rn" was in Kill Bill with a character named Buck :ninja:
I love these movies. I am also a huge horror fan, and although I don't find these movies "scary" the gore does draw me in. Me and my sister and a few of our friends have a tradition to see the new saw movie every halloween in the theatre.
Torture p*rn. Look it up.

It's a shame that kids are being brought up on these films and think they're 'scary' - remember the classy, actually scary movies like Kubrick's The Shining? Yeah, we can't come up with good ideas anymore for 'scary movies' so we have films where the bad guys chop people up and have sex with their dead bodies.

There is no sex scene in any of the Saw films...What are you talking about..?!

I love horror films and Iam a fan of the Saw films!
I've watched the 3 firsts films and i loved them I find them very original and really well done,I can't wait for the 4,but it's not on the cinemas anymore...

The first one is the best in my opinion 'cause it bring us the mystery and the originality of this different type of serial killer,it has more tension and mystery and less blood/violence.But the other are interesting too,'cause it keeps the suspense and curiosity of what's next,and they add Amanda.Even though the films loose their originality and it's always the same game...
I like that there are messages in the films.It makes the film more interesting,'cause Jigsaw is not a serial killer like Jason or Freddy K,he thinks he can judge and choose who deserves or not to live.
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I've seen saws. All saws. Love them. I think the first 2 are the best. Saw VII is planned for 2010, in 3-D. Tobin Bell will return (Yay), and he's also signed for Saw VIII.
That should probably be out in 2011. And 2012 is an election year in the U.S. So let's hope Jigsaw runs for President. You know you would love that.
Oh, forgot to mention, when you see saw (or see-saw), remember that "saw" is not only a noun and a major prop of the first film, but the word is also a verb. Past tense of see.
Something Jigsaw wants us to do. See?
More Saws? :furious: I think we've beaten this dead horse so badly, the baseball bat has turned to toothpicks.
I was fine with the first and second Saw movies.... but the series is far from being scary. the acting is minimal at best, just alot of screaming and crying, and the plot line has alot of holes, and if not you can bet that there's a character that will literally tell you what's happening right at the end; which basically means you don't even need a full brain to understand what's going on. you can miss half the movie and surely find out what's going on. that's there version of a twist; a girl dies, a boy dies, a girl dies, a boy dies, then a final explanation of things and then the movie ends.

although, for some odd reason I always find myself watching each Saw movie that comes out.

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