Teeth Whitening

Arm & Hammer Extra Whitening with bicarb of soda has done well to maintain the whitestrips effects. My teeth instantly look pearlier straight after I use it! I recommend.
I'm getting some stuff for whiter teeth at the dentist. I really want whiter teeth, but I've been very skeptical and for me the safest thing is to ask my dentist even tho they really want my money..but whatever
Let us know which product they give you and how it goes for you.
Ive always had good teeth, last time i went to the dentist they said my teeth were 99.9 % percent perfect. they're very straighht but i want them to be alittler whiter, so i bought the Crest Whitening Strips Preminum, pretty pricey but they really do work !
I've been using the stuff I got from the dentist, and it takes some time, but it doesn't hurt my teeth which is good, but I'm hoping for a good result soon.
Don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but the Swissdent X-stain is really good. I'm using it right now, and have noticed the difference - where the coffee/tea stains have somewhat faded away now. Recommended!
ive always wanted to whiten my teeth but ive heard its really bad for the enamel? :S
Ok, so I've been using this thing for a week now and my teeth are now whiter, but I'm going to use it for another week. My teeth are fine, it doesn't hurt at all but they did feel a little bit weird after the first time.
Toothpaste/Teeth Whiteners

what brand of toothpaste/teeth whiteners do you swear by?

i've been using crest pro-health for a while but i need a change, so i think i might go with crest 3D. they also have whitening strips.
I've tried some of the whitening pastes they have where I live, but non of them really works. The only thing that's ever worked for me (not that I've tried that many products) is the gel I got at the dentist.
Where do you live? I think in the UK (where I am) the toothpastes etc. don't have enough of the whitening ingredients in, by law, to do enough really. But the gels etc. from the dentist do.
I live in Norway and I think it's the same here, but then I don't understand why they're allowed to say that their paste makes your teeth whiter :angry:
Because the toothpastes CAN remove staining from things like coffee, red wine and smoking but even then they can be pretty abrasive. They're not really worth the money.
I've been using Rembrandt Plus Whitening toothpaste for about a month, can't say i've noticed a difference yet, but maybe I have to finish the tube first to say properly. I don't think toothpastes can do much really, I'll have to shell out for bleaching probably at some point..
i've heard a lot of buzz about go smile. anyone else?
the toothpaste alone is $30.
ugh i started a thread on toothpaste and teeth whiteners, but i only searched for "toothpaste" and nothing came up. could a mod merge the threads? i'm sorry.
I like Supersmile stuff, their toothpaste and the peroxide gel, it removes any stains really well, but it's not whitening/bleaching per se, more like helps teeth stay white after whitening. But it's the best and doesn't have harsh stuff like bicarb soda in it and no gross strong menthol taste and its easy, just brush and thats it, no strips or caps or whatever. Their toothbrush is also the best, a bit chunky tho.
I use Crest Whitening Strips
Fortunately for me they don't give me any pain whereas for some people with really sensitive teeth it murders them (to the extent that they have to take pain killers). So it really depends.
Problem with the whitening strips is that they kind of make my teeth really BRIGHT. Sure they definitely whiten but holy crap sometimes I feel like I'm pulling a Ross from Friends with glow in the dark teeth.
Crest Whitening Strips have always worked for me. I haven't used them in a while, but I used them when they first came out and they were wonderful.

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