64th Formula One Grand Prix de Monte Carlo


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Oct 11, 2005
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Star-gazing in Monte Carlo!

MONTE CARLO, MONACO - MAY 25: Raquel Del Rosario, the girlfriend of Fernando Alonso stands in the pits during practice for the Monaco Formula One Grand Prix at the Monte Carlo Circuit on May 25, 2006, in Monte Carlo, Monaco. (Photo by Clive Mason/Getty Images)

Lance Armstrong:
(and racing drivers Michael Schumacher and Felipe Massa)

Source: Associated Press/yahoo news
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bluedolphin said:
i think the not fashion,no hot guy ,no dress,no stars~~~:heart: :ninja: :innocent: :sick:

Not yet. Not much. They are only doing the practice runs now. The models and royalty, etc. come out later, mostly for the big race. Usually the Grimaldi family is out for the practices though. I wish they would appear already like they have done in previous years.
i can watch f1 in shanghai every years
bluedolphin said:
i can watch f1 in shanghai every years

So what are you saying? You aren't or can't watch this year? Why not? I am just curious because I am having trouble understanding your post.
CTstyle said:
So what are you saying? You aren't or can't watch this year? Why not? I am just curious because I am having trouble understanding your post.

sorry,My English isn't so good, My meaning BE can see a game in person annually in shanghai.
Maybe Sunday, the day of the big race, there will be stars to post pics of and fashion to discuss. Heidi Klum is always there, and Naomi Campbell, many others. I think last year George Clooney was there.
alwaysacitygirl said:
Hmm, will the Casiraghi's be there? Cuz I look forward to seeing what Charlotte'll wear :smile:

They go every year so I assume so.
christina126 said:
They go every year so I assume so.

The last time Char was there was 2003! Pierre was there in 2004, Andrea was there every year before. None of them was there in 2005. I think that this year we might see the Casiraghi brothers, but probably not Charlotte because she is studying for her ENS oral exam. I think that is why she has not been at any of the events so far, was not at the AMADE soccer event, even though her brothers and all their buddies were.
adore dior said:
what day does the race begin

I am sure the major race is Sunday. Now they are doing practices, right? Then they do the smaller races the day before the main race. Last year we did not see the Casiraghis at all, only Albert, not even Caroline or Stephanie, so it was disappointing. Nothing against Albert, of course. I like him a lot, but well, sorry, he's not a Casiraghi!:wink:
Andrea and Pierre Casiraghi played in a charity soccer match in Monaco for pre-Grand Prix festivities.

In pics 5 and 6, Andrea is with his girlfriend Tatiana.
In pic 4, Andrea greets his uncle Albert after he played.
In pic 6 you can see Andrea and Pierre's stepbrother Christian in the lower right corner.

(the royal forums)
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David Coulthard in Superman fashion

Interesting variation of the usual advertisement-dominated driver attire!

(Source: Reuters via yahoo news)

The Big race is tomorrow! Still only practice runs. Schumacher is dominating the news for the entire Grand Prix events so far. He must be winning the bulk of the laps. Schumacher might be faster, but imo Coulthard is hotter! hehe!
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Flavio Briatore is in a lot of the pics from today too, but he's not exactly a hot guy, is he? :lol: His current girlfriend (I guess girlfriend of the week, more like!) looks about 16 years old! Still no really good star sightings. Very disappointing. The best so far was the Star Team for Children soccer match with the Casiraghis. But that was days ago! I am glad the Casiraghi guys showed support for Mama's charity, AMADE, but I wish they would show their hottie selves at the track already! Maybe not as admirable as raising funds for AMADE, but they'd be giving lots of happiness to us, wouldn't they?This is the best pic: http://s2.supload.com/files/default/9-20060525233754.jpg
Pierre is taller, and hotter, imo. I love Andy (he is my fellow June 8 baby after all) but Pierre is so hot!
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Andrea Casiraghi and all those lucky celebs are in Cannes, so maybe many will make the short trip to Monte Carlo tomorrow. Hopefully!
found some pics of Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth and Brandon Routh promoting Superman in Monaco(getty)

woa there's a thread for this? hmm okay
from katebosworthforums.com and getty






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