A question for the Ladies - Men's Flip-Flops

Honestly, I used to hate men in flip flops. I've warmed up to them as of late, though. And I'm with everybody - as long as your feet are nicely groomed (doesn't necessarily mean professionally), then all is fine.
No matter what you call them...man-dals are man-dals. :yuk:
I am going to preface this by saying this is a hot spot with me and the following is only my selfish, tetchy opinion.

I think flip-flops are one of the most unattractive things anyone can wear.

And since guys in general do not groom their feet they tend to be incredibly gross.

I can peacefully look the other way when folks wear flip-flops for comfort at the pool or the beach but as streetwear they send a very tacky message about personal grooming in general. Same with trainers. They are okay when you are on your jog or in the gym...but to me there is such a thing as too casual.

I can't answer your question about flirting. I am completely out of that loop.
of course guys can wear flipflops too..
actually i prefer guys wearing flipflops over slippers or sandals during summer..
just make sure you're wearing the right ones.. :)
rubber ones are fine if you are wearing cargo shorts (nothing too colorful though)
go with leather ones if you are wearing nicer clothes.

i like these..

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Clean short toenails, and no toe hair please... a guy in leather flip-flops and jeans is sexier than anything, as long as he has good feet.
flipflops on guys esp where i'm from (california) are totally fine. just keep it simple and neutral (i like simple rainbows or black flipflops on guys). grooming of course is always important though!
Mandals are a no. A really big no.

But flip flops are okay... just not stylized mandals. Apart from emo/scene guys and metros, no guy should look "styled"
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I hate flip-flops on men!! it's such a big trend here now and I hate it so much!! Like I hate cropped pants for men, nooooooooooo
I actually hate it. It's a personal thing, men in any kind of sandals makes me feel ill :/ I need to get over it.
Moda_junkie said:
Okay ladies, what's your opinion about Men wearing flip flops?

I'm asking this because I got to listen to a ladies conversation that included how bad Men look in those..

So..? Could I flirt with a girl without being afraid she'll dump me if I'm wearing flip-flops? :huh::unsure: :ninja:

This is from the S/S 2005 Paul Smith Collection

awwwwww! you're so cute! :p how sweet of you to think of what your girlfriend will think :lol:

well, my opinion is if you're in australia- flip flops (we call them thongs) are essential for both guys and girls. it is, after all a beach culture.
I like nice plain leather thongs on a man. But not the Skeezy Plastic kind

in fact, I prefer plain anything as far as men's clothes if he's a potential date. Of course if he's gay, he can wear whatever the heck he want's to!)
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Over in Aussie, summer is all about the flip-flops...I personally love Havaianas. I got baby blue metallic polka dots with brown. It's gorgeous and so comfy but you gotta have scrubbed, clean, diseased and dirt free feet with a nice pedicure otherwise it'll look terrible.
If you have really good-looking and well-pedicured feet, then maybe yes.

I don't see it as very stylish though.
Beach - yes
walk the dog - yes
lazy summer days - yes
at home - yes

anywhere else - NO
bringing back a thread here :p

since i live in TX and we are at +100 weather throughout summer flip flops are necessary.

i had a pair i bought at Aldo,
they lasted about a couple of months...mind you i wore them a lot, A-Lot.

not to the mall or anything like. just around the house, walking the dog. quick run to the store and stuff like that.
well they finally gave out on me... the thong came out ...:(

now i need another pair or two or three. 1 receives too much abuse. but i kind of don't want to go back to Aldo since that one only lasted about 3 months. but every other store i go to, they only have chunky sandals for men, or really cheap looking ones. HELP!!!

what brands do i go for. i keep hearing havaianas...
they need to be super comfortable, the kind that the thong don't scratch the part in between the toes. and something that lasts!!!

(I have very nice looking feet BTW, and hands too. very soft! :lol:
my sister and most girls that know me are jealous. )
One of my biggest pet peeves! I don't like it when men wear flip flops.

i despise men who wear flip flops other than to the beach. it always looks like awful abercrombie or hollister dressed frat boy style. guys should stick to slides or hauraches or something
I agree, men look bloody awful with flip flops unless they are going to the beach or washing the car.
Well women look terrible too, but in men is unforgivable.

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