Alek Wek


Active Member
Oct 9, 2003
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I found these pictures of Alek Wek and I didn't know if she was sick or is her forehead suppose to look like this? Sorry if that sounds rude but I had never noticed it before.

Wow, I never realized how thin she really is. But I think that's how her forehead looks.
... and she seemed fine backstage:

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I don't think that is how her forehead normally looks but I have never noticed it.
^What do you mean? Is there something wrong with her?
OMG. she looks absolutely emaaaaciated in those first pics. look at her sternum, she is normally not that thin. i've always thought she had an incredible, strong, healthy body. but it doesn't look so there.

unless it's just the lighting, which may also explain the crazy forehead.
i always used to look at her lower legs and be like..eeek so thin but otherwise she always did look healthy and beeotiful

Those points...are they her hips:shock:

The forehead well ummmm lighting?
^She's one model that actaully looks so much better when she smiles. You get such a sense of happiness from her.
cosmocat said:
^What do you mean? Is there something wrong with her?

I mean, her features are not that good, there are black models who have been
really beautiful, like Naomi, Beverly Peele, Karen Alexander, Tyra, Brandi Quiñones and Veronica Webb.

Just my opinion :flower:
JHB said:
I mean, her features are not that good, there are black models who have been
really beautiful, like Naomi, Beverly Peele, Karen Alexander, Tyra, Brandi Quiñones and Veronica Webb.

Just my opinion :flower:

You have a right to your opinion, but why does every black model need to resemble the Western idea of what is beautiful (thin nose, elongated face, thinner lips, etc.)? Alek is beautiful with her strong African features. That's my opinion.
cosmocat said:
^She's one model that actaully looks so much better when she smiles. You get such a sense of happiness from her.
Agreed. Her smile is so beautiful. I think it's because sometimes her look can be a bit harsh, but when she smiles she instatnly warms up. Plus her white teeth are a lovely contrast against her dark just creates an interesting image.

Also, in regards to her face, I think her face is one of her best features along with her skin tone. It's rounded quality is very unique in the modeling world, and really uniqueness in what Alek is all about. I have never once confused Alek with any other model...a trait that I think is very valuable in this industry.

As for her forehead, I'm not sure. Prosthetics? Lighting? It doesn't usually look like that.
Alek is stunning..... and african...african beauty is isolated and a single dark glossy but beautiful bold look as Alek... Africa has so many distinct features looks which can not be categorized...Alek wek is not the typical african..yet we dont come across such stricking ppl as her everyday...But that western bull crap...doesnt work...but because alek doesnt share the similar CLONE look as do many models..unfortunaelty there are so few who unique dark beautys who are showcased like Alek

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