Amparo Bonmati


she's beautiful would like to see her get more & more work with the fashion elite
Mango by Zuhair Murad F/W 09.10

Screencaped by me /
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Can someone translate this? I speak a little spanish but, although now I'm living in Spain, I can´t understand everything. (I´m french)
I think that says she will make a new campaign.

REDACCIÓN La "top model" guardamarenca Amparo Bonmatí ha prestado gratuitamente su imagen para la nueva campaña publicitaria de promoción del comercio local, organizada por la Asociación de Comerciantes de Guardamar y el Ayuntamiento, que se inició ayer. La campaña incluye vallas publicitarias y "spots" en radio y televisión e inserciones en medios escritos y se prolongará por espacio de dos meses para promocionar las compras navideñas en la localidad.
La modelo, premiada como la mejor en la pasada edición Madrid Cibeles Fashion Week, esta presente en las citas más relevantes de la moda internacional y ha sido la imagen de las firmas tan prestigiosas. Estas navidades también será la imagen de una marca de moda con un "spot" que acaba de rodar en Bahamas.
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PRESS The guardamarenca top model has take part freely for a new advertising campaign to promote the local trade, set up by the Trade Association of Guardamar and the Town Council, which started yesterday. The campaign include billboards, spots and insertions in written media, and this will go on for a period of two months to promote the Christmas buying in the town.
The model, awarded as the best one in the last Madrid Cibeles Fashion Week edition, is present in the most notable fashion dates and she has been face of important brands. The next Christmas she will be the image of a fashion brand with a spot she has recently shoot in Bahamas.

Well, the article says she has shoot a campaign, but it's not for a brand, it's for her town. Anyway it says she has shoot a spot in Bahamas, I wonder what brand it is?

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