How old is she and what's her mother agency?
Yeah, good question.

It's impossible to find her in any Polish agency. So maybe she was discovered outside Poland (people migrating right?), or maybe she's one of these girls walking on runway's from loooong time "incognito". From loooong time so maybe she's off from her Polish agency (if was in any) and she working right now straight for abroad agencies.
"How old is she" Hmm... For me she's 25 y/o. Why?
Her name is very unique in combination with Polish based surname (which is also not so popular). I found this
http://www.123people.com/s/angelina+nawojczyk where is link to some girl MySpace (MS) profile but I wanna show you that in different style (search engine results, keyword: nawojczyk)
http://www.myspace.com/search/people?q=nawojczyk&ac=t&slpf=Home&page=1 You see that girl called Angelina? Click on her. Model face right? Did you see that hanging mirror ball also? Check what's situated in her fireplace
And the best part, go here
http://www.myspace.com/anastasiyapalladino and check who's on that Ukraine cutie friends list. Both girls are in the same agency, I'm talking about Ford Models Europe - Paris.
So for me it's Angelina and she's 25 y/o. And if she's born in 80's it make sense that she doesn't have Polish mother agency, a lot girls... on example one of our Polish OMG girls
http://www.annatokarska.com/ Born in 82, her Polish mother agency was Mango but I'm pretty damn sure even she doesn't remember when it was.