Sorry. I forgot to check back with this thread.
It IS a tricky issue and very difficult to explain without sounding completely obnoxious or getting incredibly personal, but I'll give it a shot.
I lost my desire to have children at a very early age because of my younger brother. He has Aspergers among other disorders and his birth turned my family upside down. I was almost four when he was born, so I have some memories (and a lot of supplemental stories from my mother) of those days. Constant tantrums. Screaming and crying. Things got far worse from there, but that doesn't relate to Geddes. Obviously the birth of any child presents difficulties, but apart from my parents discussing how I was a pleasant infant, I've never had personal experience with "good babies". It isn't guaranteed that a child of mine would share my brother's issues, but there's a chance, so again, it diminishes their appeal.
There's also the fear that if I had a child, I'd have to change my lifestyle entirely. At this point, in my mid-20s, I can't imagine giving up things like foreign travel in order to accomodate a child's needs. Maybe this'd change if I were in a serious relationship, but I've found that many ladies in my soon-to-be profession would rather focus on working for judges or big firms than be a stay at home mother, so I may be able to have a wonderful relationship without this issue arising.
These concerns were heightened by watching one of my best friends' life fall apart around her because of a pregnancy.
Again, as I get older, maybe my priorities will change.
It's also just the fact that babies and small children can be used so manipulatively in Geddes-esque photos and films. I'm tired of being expected to find certain things "cute" or more worthy of tears just because they involve children. I'm not sure how to explain it, but almost everyone has seen movies with awful child actors. They take you out of the story because they can hardly recite their lines, but on your way out of the theatre, you'll overhear someone raving about how precious they were. Geddes photography seems to try for that reaction. Since it is so proflic (or at least WAS. I haven't paid attention recently) my dislike for it tarnishes my appreciation of real babies.
This all probably sounds absolutely cold hearted, but I don't mean it to be. I can guarantee if I were exposed to a friend or family member's newborn I'd feel differently, but without an actual connection to the infant, I have trouble getting past my discomfort. Therefore, although I'm not a fan of "babies" in the general sense, but could definitely care about a specific baby.
If it's of any consequence, I do