Another Man Fall/Winter 2016 by Willy Vanderperre, Alasdair McLellan & Ryan McGinley

Insane. They put the magazine on newsstands in this morning and it's already sold out in a lot of places. On ebay they asking 60£ for it...
This might be the first Another Man I will get in my magazine collecting life. I am not even a Harry fan. But somehow the eds are all intriguing to me.
Anything That's Part of You
Celebrity: Harry Styles
Ph: Willy Vanderperre
Stylist: Alister Mackie
Hair: Anthony Turner
Makeup: Laura Dominique
Manicure: Lyndsay McIntosh
Set Design: Emma Roach

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Scans by:
Any Place Is Paradise
Celebrity: Harry Styles
Ph: Ryan McGinley
Stylist: Alister Mackie
Hair: Anthony Turner
Makeup: Laura Dominique
Set Design: David White

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Scans by:
Tomorrow Is A Long Time
Celebrity: Harry Styles
Ph: Alasdair McLellan
Stylist: Alister Mackie
Hair: Anthony Turner
Makeup: Laura Dominique

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Scans by
Not that I'd be in the least bit interested to get this, but I've not seen it on sale either. Who could be buying all these magazines?? Certainly not the 1D fans, imagine pages of AnotherMan spread on the walls of rabid tweens :lol:

Must admit, I do love the styling in Alasdair and McGinley's shoots!!
Not that I'd be in the least bit interested to get this, but I've not seen it on sale either. Who could be buying all these magazines?? Certainly not the 1D fans, imagine pages of AnotherMan spread on the walls of rabid tweens :lol:

Must admit, I do love the styling in Alasdair and McGinley's shoots!!
The more they make him look like Mick the better he looks. They should just spring for lip injections now and take things to that next level :rofl: Willy and Alasdair's stories are compelling, though I just can't take that butterfly (moth?) tattoo seriously.
This is crazy, I've called my nearest Barnes and Noble to check when they were going to get their next issue and they said I was the 4th person calling just that evening about this. Ha.
Might try get a copy so I can sell it on eBay to a bunch of rabid 1D fans.

But that's just it, :lol:, you've been outwitted. It seems there's nothing available. I'm guessing Another is probably busy going into a second, or perhaps even third, print as we speak. Good for them! This sort of thing rarely happens with magazines nowadays.
All of the obvious places in London dont have this (selfridges etc)

Soho is all sold out too (one newsagent told me that one person bought ten copies on the day it came out)

Another newsagent told me that he has had lots of people from the fashion PR companies trying to buy it so they have copies with their credits in!

its nuts!

if you really want it, the best bet is to try local newsagents who would've been sent a few copies. and that aren't very central.

i found two copies in a newsagents on a side street in clerkenwell.

interesting there was no hype/demand like this for any Zayn covers.
So it's sold out everywhere? Wow, the 1D fans are really crazy !
I prefer Alasdair's cover. But all the eds are well-executed.
Anything That's Part of You

Model: Harry Styles
Photographer: Willy Vanderperre
Styling Alister Mackie
Make-up: Laura Dominique
Hair: Anthony Turner
Nails: Lyndsay Mcintosh
Any Place is Paradise

Model: Harry Styles
Photographer: Ryan McGinley
Styling Alister Mackie
Make-up: Laura Dominique
Hair: Anthony Turner

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