Another Man magazine to target fashion and culture

The writing is okay,I guess. Mind you,I'm always more interested in the visuals as well but its better than some are.
None of the existing mags are great anyway, except for ID.
raijin said:
None of the existing mags are great anyway, except for ID.
Purple,Tank,Dutch(I don't know it exists or not now),流行通信(Japanese) and A magazine are great as well.;)
thomas28 said:
Purple,Tank,Dutch(I don't know it exists or not now),流行通信(Japanese) and A magazine are great as well.;)

Dutch went down under :(
Well,the editors of Dutch started a new one called Berliner,I think it is. As the ed&chief is German. Apart from A,Purple and Composite,German publications are the best,imho. Visually and in their prose.
BTW, I want to subscribe to Citizen K. It says it's $1 an issue, including shipping ($4 a year), but I can't seem to find their website. Is tearing out the flyer (at the risk of being thrown out of a book store) the only way to do this?
Scott said:
Well,the editors of Dutch started a new one called Berliner,I think it is. As the ed&chief is German. Apart from A,Purple and Composite,German publications are the best,imho. Visually and in their prose.

There was also Achtung, which debuted in the fall of 2003 and I haven't seen since. However I think it is still around. It was pretty good. I liked it's focus on Central and Eastern European culture and style. Karolina Kurkova was on the cover and they followed her back to her Czech (?) hometown.

I personally don't find Purple that impressive. I don't like sad, ugly editorials masquerading as "intelligent fashion". Just because it's different doesn't mean it's good. I have yet to see an issue of Purple that has substance. Most of the time it's just a five pound package of pretensions and pure self-indulgence.

Zoo is good, I suppose. But the lack of thought put into the graphic design of the thing really turns me off. It's just not a pleasure to read. They should work on that because I don't think their content is half bad.

Dutch was really a great magazine and I think many people still mourn its loss. Have you seen the prices the back issues go for on eBay?! Insane! :shock:
can you describe citizen K

i am agree with those who said that i-D is cool..
I had made phylosophic transcription of magazines -put in tablice model
magazine I know
i-d,wallpaer with tyler ,dazed,face,arena,arena h+,L'uomo vogue ,and vogue homme int,GQ/uk ,a head (austria) ,and interview before 2000 and after

but if i present my speculation here I am afraid that many of you should be zombified,and intellectually intoxicated....
metal-on-metal said:
There was also Achtung, which debuted in the fall of 2003 and I haven't seen since. However I think it is still around. It was pretty good. I liked it's focus on Central and Eastern European culture and style. Karolina Kurkova was on the cover and they followed her back to her Czech (?) hometown.

I personally don't find Purple that impressive. I don't like sad, ugly editorials masquerading as "intelligent fashion". Just because it's different doesn't mean it's good. I have yet to see an issue of Purple that has substance. Most of the time it's just a five pound package of pretensions and pure self-indulgence.

Zoo is good, I suppose. But the lack of thought put into the graphic design of the thing really turns me off. It's just not a pleasure to read. They should work on that because I don't think their content is half bad.

Dutch was really a great magazine and I think many people still mourn its loss. Have you seen the prices the back issues go for on eBay?! Insane! :shock:

Really?! I should put up the one issue I have :woot: .

I so agree with you on Purple! Enough of this pretensious bullsh*t masquarading as art :sick: .

P.S. Kurkova is Russian (maybe unfortunately :lol: ).

P.P.S. Whimsy, Citizen K is (or was, because now I think it's quarterly) a bi-annual magazine, published in French/English. It's actually not bad, especially for a $1 an issue subscription.
wow,is this so cheap...
faust..can you remeber this url at hintmag where there was a macromedia flash file titled "kollective,or killing instinct" with cloak,dior homme clothes ..
i am trying to find it again..any me please...
Whimsicalist said:
wow,is this so cheap...
faust..can you remeber this url at hintmag where there was a macromedia flash file titled "kollective,or killing instinct" with cloak,dior homme clothes ..
i am trying to find it again..any me please...

Hmmm, I'm not sure. But you can take a look at their archives, it's pretty interesting. There is a profile on Cloak (with Kino music!!! :heart: ).

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