
I know why I like her.
not only that she looks like Luca Gadjus

do you see the similarity?

she is so gorgeous, thanks for all the pictures but her expression is all the same in every shot. Why doesn't she close her mouth?
Looks terrific. Thanks, Yulya. Looks a bit like a dark-haired Tanya D. Please give her my best and tell her I hope she does well, as I'm sure she will.
Her ears are so cute. Her and Diana F both have unique cute ears. ^_^ She is very lovely.
Anuta is absolutely new girl, all this pictures were done on the second day of her career, so hope soon she'll learn how to behave and shot and won't be always with open mouth.
Happy that you like her pics!
Thanks , sister Vladapeg for your wishes!
I love her face,she has unique beauty,she looks like Tanya D + Diana F...she is unbelievable beautiful

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