As a fashion illustrator and bag designer ( I often buy bags for reference ), I have a few bags that I would not want to part with, they stand proud on the shelves behind my drawing board in my studio. There's a black leather CD Saddle bag hanging there too, in front of a Dior framed poster, the two go very well together. And I hope that one day they will be classed as vintage! My first edition Marc Jacobs Sofia is right there too.
Well, one bag I did purchase was a Prada biker bag, covered in zips, but I disliked the shape and the white stitching a day after I bought it, so I gave it to my sister. I wanted it because I was designing a 'funky zips bag' for Karen Millen. The bag I designed had tassels on the zips, whereas the Prada had leather tabs and chains. My sister loves the Prada!
I almost bought a YSL Chicago bag in green, and I'm glad I didn't.