Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
style“Ashleigh was coming back after having a baby, so she said, ‘Let’s do a makeover,’” said hair pro Guido Palau who sent her to Victoria Hunter at Whittemore House Salon for a raven-hued dye job. “We did black and cut her bangs, she wanted to do something—it was her first show and she wanted to show if off at Alex [Wang].” Though Good’s transformation was the most dramatic, Palau noted that other catwalkers (like Irina Kravchenko) also went under the scissors—losing a few inches in favor of choppy layers and fringe that were later “drenched” in Redken Diamond Oil High Shine Airy Mist for a stringy, gothic effect reminiscent of Marilyn Manson and 1994 film The Crow. Strands were then teased with fingers to create height at the crown and set with Forceful 23 hairspray. “In an ideal world, this is a dark-haired look even though the blonds look good,” noted Palau. Face painter Diane Kendal completed the “nighttime” package by sculpting the contours of cheeks and lids with various shades of gray. NARS Transvaal Eye Paint was applied to the inner and outer corners of they eyes for a greasy, “slept-in” finish, while a ghostly taupe polish (Essie’s Jazz) and matte top coat was lacquered onto tips.
Good showed off her metamorphosis—and like any proud parent, her child—by posing for a flood of photographers. Though the flashbulbs were bright enough to blind any adult, Emily didn’t even blink. Like mother, like daughter. Here, the “goth mum” talks about everything from black hair to baby:
First off, congrats!
She's an angel. It's her first season out of the womb.
I guess she already has quite a few shows under her belt, including Chanel.
Yes, three times!
Your hair is obviously very different. Mommy makeover?
Yes, it's really surprising. They [dyed] it this morning and then they cut it this afternoon. It's very exciting!
How long did it take?
It doesn't take long to go darker, so it took about an hour and a half, which was a surprise to me. I like it. I used to be dark when I first started modeling, but nobody's really seen me dark, so it's a nice change.
When was the last time you had dark hair?
Three years ago, when I first started modeling and did the Givenchy show.
How do you feel having black hair versus blond?
I feel cooler. I had the platinum and the blond I ended up with was nice and pretty, but for me, as my kind of girl, I like the black because it's more of a statement. And it's edgy.
And you got bangs, too.
Yes, the bangs are back. But they are longer this time, which is nice.
How is it traveling with the baby this season?
It's good. She slept the whole flight from New Zealand—both flights. The first couple of nights [in New York] she was adjusting to the time, but ever since then she's pretty much slept through the night. She's been really easy and happy to meet new people and everyone wants to meet her, so she's doing well. Although right now she doesn't recognize me because my hair changed!
Was she frightened when she first saw you with black hair?
Not scared, but she kind of was like, "That's my mum's face, but not her hair."
I suppose she knows your voice.
Oh, yes. Trust me, she knows my voice.
How is traveling with a baby in tow affecting your fashion month schedule?
I have my sister with me, Shannon, so she helps a lot and it's nice to have family to look after Emily for me. At the moment, it's depending on the weather as to whether she comes out or not because it's so cold. I'm nursing, so I like to have her with me and that makes things easier. If it starts to be a problem and I feel like she's around too many people or it's too much, then I won't bring her with me. But it's good to get your children socialized and accustomed to being around lots of different people if that's going to be your career and your lifestyle. I'm starting her young and she seems quite happy—she loves the attention. As long as I keep her sleeping with so much going on around her, she'll always be able to sleep!
How did you get back into runway-worthy shape?
Nursing does help, but it's not everything. I've been working very hard at the gym. Here, I've been doing SLT. It's a class I do uptown.
I’ve taken it and thought it was so hard!
So hard! I've been working with a personal trainer for a month and a half and then coming to do that, it's hard work! I never really worked out before, so it's nice to get into fitness and feel fit and stronger. It's definitely made a positive difference.