Aubrey Beardsley - Illustrator

thanks for the great thread, gincat! who's not inspired by beardsley and his lines .... perlefine i'd bet you've seen his salomé pictures somewhere...

if you don't mind, i'm editing the artpassion-pictures out, they seem to have a thing against hotlinking... alll i see is a jumping pig^_^

you can re-post them as attachments....
Last one (for now ;)) source:

How Sir Tristram drank of the love drink

Aubrey Beardsley

From Malory's The Birth, Life, and Acts of King Arthur

Thankyou DV (can I call you that?^_^), its great how there's so much work of his out there. Keep looking!
My God time flies! It's been almost exactly two years since this thread's been active.
i find his work quite interesting compared to the other illustrators of his time
they seem very sinister and other worldly, and charged with a real sexual energy
i get a sense of taboo looking at his works
The last book I saw of his, maybe called Salome or Yellow Book, I remember it was completely filled with erotica
I can't post images of that of course, haha -_-
Yeah...I guess he is mostly know for his erotic illustrations but he is truly fantastic. Great thread!
i find his work quite interesting compared to the other illustrators of his time
they seem very sinister and other worldly, and charged with a real sexual energy
i get a sense of taboo looking at his works
The last book I saw of his, maybe called Salome or Yellow Book, I remember it was completely filled with erotica
I can't post images of that of course, haha -_-

Yeah, I think he got in a bit of trouble for some of his more "p*rn*gr*ph*c" stuff. He was quite young and seemed a bit defiant. Salome didn't really have anything too graphic in it, so it was probably the other.
My introduction to the great illustrators, Beardsley, Rackham, Martini etc. was believe it or not....Time Life's Occult Series when I was in elementary school. The illustrations in those books made an enormous impact on me and has informed my taste in books, music, art, and clothing to this very day. I lovingly traced Beardsley and others with tracing paper as a kid all day. I never found out who those illustrations were by until I was much older. Gius, you are quite right in pinpointing the sinister, sexual side to his work; his figures are all very Circes like. I picked up on that even when I was younger; it made it all the more exotic to look at his work.

If anyone is interested, I've found a lot Beardsley, Rackham, Erte etc reprinted very inexpensively through Dover Books. I think I might order some and if my scanner ever works again I may upload them here.
Thanks for this thread... how wonderful for my first thread to be visited on here, as a member, to be one about Beardsley... a continuing influence within the context of the whole Aesthetic movement... the philosophy of his group has been my own though I didnt realise it till I followed the link to the Wikipaedia article... most of my favourites have been posted already (except the ones that can't be posted...:innocent:)

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