I don't know who all caught the last episode (episode 9) of Model.Live, but there was a bit of a chat about perhaps Austria being too young, and maybe taking a break, and coming back to modeling in a couple of years. As much as I love Austria's look and think she is a beautiful model, I think I'm going to have to agree with this. I feel a bit bad for her, because even she lacks energy in general or fashion week (well, really like fashion month) has really worn her out, because she just seems a bit dazed and all in most the videos.
When I first saw Austria in the videos for the Ford Supermodel of the World contest, Austria seemed very vibrant and alive. And in the Model.Live episode in which Austria is still at home, she once again, seems to come alive more, and have more, well personality.
Perhaps not knowing English as well, and being in unfamiliar territory has caused her to kind of revert into her shell, so to say. I don't know, but she comes across as a little flat, and a bit too nonchalant in the Model.Live videos. In my opinion, she doesn't really have much of a connection with the camera.
I've read a couple times before that some people think Arlenis Sosa Pena (another emerging model from the Dominican Republic) is stealing all of Austria's thunder. For one thing, I don't see why you can't have two sucessful models from the Dominican Republic, however, I can totally understand why if it comes down to one or the other, why people are probably quicker to book Arlenis.
Even though I've seen very few videos, Arlenis just oozes energy and personality, always smiling and very bright and alive. Whereas Austria is very quiet and shy, and not that this is a bad thing, per se, but I think for fashion week, her quietness may come off as a lack of confidence, and may ultimately have hurt her chances of booking shows.
Ok, very long post. Sorry, didn't mean to keep going on... I doubt anyone will read this now that I've blabbed on for so long.