Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows; the rest can be found here.Agency:
Premier Model Management
Place of Origin:
Devon, England
Ethnic Origin:
How discovered:
By a scout on the ferry to school.
Favorite things:
My Blackberry, my puppy and my old black bowler hat.
Favorite music, band:
MGMT – I love indie music.
Going to the beach with friends and then campfires afterward.
Favorite piece of clothing:
My old, scruffy boots I wear everywhere
What’s your idea of fun?
Photography, and rummaging around in vintage shops
Favorite modeling experience so far?
My first short film with Can Evgin – met so many interesting people and just went crazy on the film. Free to do what I wanted.
What’s the best thing about your hometown/country?
All the festivals and beaches – an ideal place to go.
Favorite artist (any kind
Banksy – his graffiti designs are so creative and imaginative
Place you would love to visit:
Ireland – it looks beautiful in movies.
Currently you’re obsessed with/about:
My purple ukulele. I take it everywhere with me.