I had high hopes for this just with that first picture, she's aspirational in a way that's hard to explain, cause it's not just looks, more like a calmness she emits.. and I thought the composition conveyed that (lamp, that couch, the colors, lighting.. what she's wearing).
It pisses me off that brands (magazines obviously being the worst offender) can't put their bet on one thing that seems to work, it's like they've lost all confidence in front of potential customers and can't trust their own team or retain even a small sense of authority, so you'll see them resort to this nonsense where they desperately create a little bit of everything for every taste out there.. and it results in too many models, moods in different directions (I mean, are the guys on their 30th casting of the day or waiting at the urologist, we'll never know, but they sure look miserable), unnecessary shot of NYC dumped in, yellow lamp placed absurdly on different tables (how about getting a third one?!). In short, Lauren was enough and it could've evolved nicely from there and with these simple elements... this "variety for all" limited the individualism that was needed and that surprisingly made it stronger in the show..