What did you do last weekend?
I went to Newport Beach and the Orange County swap meet with my best friend!
Tell me a secret.
I am in my high school's competitive improv club, and it's one of the most fun things to do at my school. Also I talk to my cats a lot.
What's your guilty fashion pleasure?
I love a good oversized knit sweater.
What's your favorite thing in the world?
My favorite thing in the world is working with dogs and cats at my local animal shelter. I also couldn't live without my friends and family (including my cats).
What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading a book called Dead Girls Don't Lie. It's a murder-mystery thriller story taking place over one summer. I love mystery novels or anything that keeps me guessing!
Photographed and Produced by Linda Nyvltova (@lindanyvltova)
Featured Models, all with The Industry Models (@theindustrymodelmgmtla)
Location: Sixty Hotel, Beverly Hills (@sixtyhotels)
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