Mirhé Grimmelmann

Anne Valerie Hash HC S/S 08 :clap:


Anne Valerie Hash HC SS08 Backstage
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Thanks! I'm a bit disappointed she didn't show up anywhere else, but at least we finally got to see her on the runway. And it looks like she'll do London this season :)



Nothing new? I rather doubt she'll pick up modeling after graduating from LSE, hah. So basically she's not working at the moment nor in the future (presumably)... seems kind of pointless. :unsure:

From her agency's perspective, that is. Good for her.

Apparently this was never posted. Vogue China May 2008. Ph. [FONT=georgia,times]Kenneth Willardt.



Biotherm plans to nurture its nature-meets-technology positioning next year with a plethora of products for men and women and three new spokesmodels.

The L’Oréal-owned treatment brand has signed models Sasha Pivovarova, Mirhé Grimmelmann and Tasha Tilberg to appear in advertising for its Aquasource, Age Fitness and Rides Repair product franchises, respectively.

The surge of launch activity and the signing of the spokesmodel trio in particular underscores the brand’s modern edge, according to Charlotte Franceries, Biotherm’s international director.

“Biotherm is not just a nice, easygoing brand,” she said. “This shows there’s something happening, there’s innovation, and it’s a bolder brand.

“This is not a new positioning,” she continued. “The strength of Biotherm is the authenticity of the brand and the values it’s had for over 50 years. It is important that we don’t reinvent, but that we restage.”

Advertising campaigns featuring the new spokesmodels will begin appearing next month with the launch of Aquasource Biosensitive, with its image of Pivovarova.

Tilberg will front the ad for Rides Repair Chroma-Lift, a three-unit line, which is meant to counter skin discoloration and boost luminosity, while also having antiwrinkle and lifting effects.

from wwd
Shame on me for making a post like that, and two days later she has Biotherm contract, haha.

Mirhé = Ambitious, Hermès bag collecting, German-Korean diplomat's daughter

Elles sont belles, jeunes et nous viennent des quatre coins du monde. Ce sont les nouvelles égéries de Biotherm et elles détonnent. Sasha Pivovarova, russe, 23 ans, Mirhé Grimmelmann, germano-coréenne, 21 ans, et Tasha Tilberg, canadienne, 29 ans, prennent la pose pour la marque française du groupe L’Oréal dès le début de l’année 2009.

« Elle apporte un souffle nouveau de diversité et incarne une beauté universelle de par ses origines », note Biotherm en parlant de Mirhé. Fille de diplomate et collectionneuse de carrés Hermès, « elle ambitionne d’intégrer une organisation internationale, pour travailler sur l’économie du développement et le micro-crédit ». Elle soutiendra le lancement de White D-Tox en Asie et sera le visage des produits Age Fitness à l’international .
Shame on me for making a post like that, and two days later she has Biotherm contract, haha.

Mirhé = Ambitious, Hermès bag collecting, German-Korean diplomat's daughter


Cool! Glad for her, I already thought she had given up modeling -

btw, she's not collecting Hermès BAGS but carrés, i.e. scarves ... the bag's not quiet in a diplomat daughter's budget, hehe:innocent:
I love this photo -

jamesmountford.com (via CharlottefromCA in ID thread)
Vogue China March 2009

Ph.:: Eric Maillet
Model: Mirhe Grimmelmann

Scanned by Aja Mok
Found her by coincidence and realized she was the last unknown at Saab! :woot:

Elie Saab S/S 10

^She looks great on the runway, especially at that show. ^_^

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