Brittany Murphy R.I.P

I just read it in the news. This is sad beyond sad. I couldn't believe it. She was so young and talented... Such an tragic death :cry:

Rest In Peace, Brittany. You will always stay in my heart.
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This is such a shock and very sad. I hope her family finds solace in the memories... RIP Brittany
I want to watch Drop Dead Gorgeous right now. Never forget her characters quote "You know what dad, you know what? Peter's gay!" "GAY!". It was so funny :lol::heart:.
how terribly shocking and sad. i really like this girl and her movies.
I want to watch Drop Dead Gorgeous right now. Never forget her characters quote "You know what dad, you know what? Peter's gay!" "GAY!". It was so funny :lol::heart:.
OMG I LOVED that part!:lol: She always played her characters perfectly....... I was hoping "The Caller" would revive her career but now its too late and I'm so sad. I was watching King of the Hill earlier and started crying when LuAnne was speaking!:cry:
oh my god, just got the info from TV and I'm totally shocked :(

she was one of my fav. actresses and she always seemed to be a funny and happy girl.

rest in peace beautiful angel, you will be missed :heart: :heart:

:cry: :cry:
:shock::shock::shock: this is as shocking as when the news announced Heath Ledger's death. poor kid and her family! the last couple of years were utterly appauling!:(
I'm so sad about this tragic death :(
I loved her as an actress, she was very special, I always imagined her like her character in Uptown girls, funny and quirky, a bit crazy... I wonder what her life was in reality :cry:

RIP Brittany
Yea, it's truly sad but why are people saying this is the year of deaths? people (celebrities included) die every year...
right but not that many, in my country almost each week 1 or 2 celebrities die, it's scary :(
I was really shocked when I read about her death on justjared. :(
it seems so unreal at first.
I remember the movies she was in and how talented, cute and funny she always was. it's really sad...

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