I've met her backstage at Triton and I did a little interview.
Are you living in NY?
No, I'm living in Brazil right now.
Are you going to do the shows there?
No, I'm going after the season, in march.
How many shows are you doing at SPFW?
I'm doing, so far, 10 shows.
Do you have an iPod?
Yes, but mine died!
Mine died once too, and I opened it up and when I closed it back again, it lived.
Really? I'll try that out.
So what was in your late iPod?
A bit of everything: Bob Marley, Filberto Gil, Pink Floyd, Coldplay, U2.
What did you play when you were a kid?
My mom says my sister plays for us both because I didn't play much when I was a child. But I took modern dance and drama classes!
Were you any good? Because I had no coordenation at all.
I did pretty well after a while.
And two pics I took (the second one is a drawing of Bruna by Felipe, the sketcher from SPFW).