Carmen Kass

I see absolutely no facial resemblance to Tiegs. I do see resemblance to the legendary model Carmen Dell'Orefice.
Isn’t that odd? I see no resemblance to Carmen Dell’Orefice.
Isn’t that odd? I see no resemblance to Carmen Dell’Orefice.
An interesting fact: In the early 2000's when US Vogue used to publish reader "Letters" in the print magazine, they published a letter from a reader asking if Carmen Kass is related to Carmen Dell'Orefice. She saw a resemblance as well. Of course, Vogue responded to the reader that Carmen K. and Carmen D. are not related.

Either way, both are great models. Carmen Kass is one of my favorites.
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I remember another model, Michelle Behenah (spelling?) on MTV's House of Style or some such show, backstage at a fashion show. Carmen was hours late for make-up and ppl were freaking out. She finally arrived and Behenah very nervously approached her while she was getting made up, and asked her would she like to say why she was late. Carmen just barked at Behenah "Would I like to tell you why I was late?! No!" Granted, she had no duty or reason to explain to MTV why she was late, but she was quite nasty about it. Not a fan of her since.
Unfortunately, Carmen did not age well. But it is what it is - I much prefer her being natural than messing with her face.
Numéro Berlin S/S 2024

Götz Offergeld - Editor-in-Chief
Antje Peters - Photographer
Jeanna Krichel - Fashion Editor/Stylist
Tobias Sagner - Hair Stylist
Ischrak Nitschke - Makeup Artist


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