Carolyn Murphy

those Jantzen pics are hot!

The older carolyn pic is when she was 16...that picture was taken in Seaside, Florida
I found this online, it's an article from September 2004 titled, The Last Seduction:

Querying Carolyn Murphy is a day at the beach. The coolly elegant face of Estee Lauder is breezily relaxed about life, family and career. If she had followed up her impressive 1999 film debut in ''Liberty Heights,'' she could have kept ''/actress'' on her resume. Instead, she put her movie career on hold to raise her daughter, Dylan, and make a home with her boyfriend, Brandon Boyd, Incubus's lead singer, and their growing menagerie. Since Murphy is arguably the last word in modern beauty, we thought we'd ask her last things first.

The last book you read?

''A Confederacy of Dunces.'' I started reading it years ago, but I didn't have the capacity for all the humor then.

The last CD you bought?

A new album by Sparta -- they're an indie band. Their music is sort of like Modest Mouse before they went mainstream.

The last expensive item you purchased for yourself?

A first edition of ''The Fairy Alphabet Book.'' I collect first editions. I'm a geek in that respect.

The last job you had before this one?

In high school, at a fondue restaurant [in Florida] called the Melting Pot.

What would you like your last meal to be?

The black cod with miso from Nobu. And toro sashimi on the side.

The last place you went on vacation?

Kaua'i. I was there with Brandon's family. We got to surf while his parents watched my daughter -- guilt-free surfing! We also found the Secret Beach, which had nude sunbathers and a nude yoga class. We kept our suits on.

The last time you stayed up all night?

Trying to squeeze into a twin bed with a 3 1/2-year-old who was overtired.

What article of clothing do you take off last?

The nightgown I intend on wearing when I go to sleep.

What was the last good deed you did?

I rescued an English bulldog from a pet shop, nursed it back to health and found her a home. I have a habit of bringing home animals. We have three dogs, two fish and a horse. I also bought my daughter a P-O-N-Y recently, but she was too young.

When is the last time you embarrassed yourself?

I do that daily.
she bought her 3 year old daughter a pony? ohh the life of a supermodel is soooo tragic :p
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it's so weird, i worked at The Melting Pot when I was 16, it was the worst job ever! haha
I love the jantzen pics, she is gorgeous!...theres a video on jantzen's site too;)

thanks for the pics and interview...old times with Brandon^_^
aww yes they were so beautiful together...oh gosh could you imagine the bone structure their children would have had!
Carolyn Murphy and Linda evangelista in Chanel Fashion show 1998

my scan
^^thank you

Vogue Germany June 1996
Mehr als nackt

Ph: Marc Hom

scanned by me
she looks so different with that short blond hair.

gala/ scan
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Preview from FWD, from the Spring/Summer 2008 campaign ad
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