Christmas 09


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Jan 21, 2006
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Do you start early? Apparantly the madness has already begun.
Nearly half of shoppers have already begun filling bags with Christmas gifts, according to research from Asda.

As many as 48% of the 8,000 people surveyed said they had already purchased some presents, three-quarters of whom claimed it was a way to spread their festive spending.
More than one in ten, or 11%, said Christmas cards were not on their lists, with more than half saying it was an attempt at cost-cutting.
Asda spokeswoman Jennifer England said: “With only three more pay days until Christmas, many of our customers have started their festive shopping earlier than ever in a bid to spread the costs this year. People might think we’re crazy for selling gifts already, but our customers are telling us it’s what they want so we’re doing all we can to help them.
“By spreading the cost of Christmas and buying gifts early, our customers are making sure that they can have a Christmas to remember whilst avoiding any last minute credit card splurges that will leave them paying off the bill well into 2010.”

So what have you bought? What are you buying?
My mom has already started but I try to wait until November, usually black Friday. I find that when I start too early, I'll store stuff away and sometimes completely forget about it. This is making me excited, I love Christmas shopping. . . but I really have no idea what to get anyone as of now.

I love christmas so much....although the yearly awkward conversation with my boyfriends mother telling her that I don't want to go to their house for christmas day is never fun. Leave us alone! We want to sit at home eating BRILLIANT roast potatoes!

As for shopping, I tend to leave it till november...then you know for certain you'll not end up buying something for someone that they could go out and buy themselves.
Thankfully, my mum is going to Thailand, so I don't have to pretend that I celebrate's also cheaper not to :magic: No, seriously, no Christmas for me this year. I'm going to stay at home and wait for the burglars. :ninja:
Christmas shopping starts for me two paychecks after I get a job-the first one, I have to get some clothes and makeup, but the second, I start on stuff for my mum. I'm planning on getting her a MAC blush (Gingerly), a couple fun necklaces, and then a pair of Fit Flops. For my brother, I'm thinking of getting him a video game, and for my Dad, I would do two gift cards: a $50 GC for Panera, because he goes there every day for breakfast, and $50 at Jos A Bank, where he gets most of his clothes.
As much as I plan in advance or think I know what I'm getting people, most of my Xmas shopping is done like a week before lol :doh:

I love christmas so much....although the yearly awkward conversation with my boyfriends mother telling her that I don't want to go to their house for christmas day is never fun. Leave us alone! We want to sit at home eating BRILLIANT roast potatoes!

Hahaha I love that!
+1 Buying gifts for people are a lot of fun but the actual Holiday is a bummer.
Everyone excepts time and there aren't enough hours in the day.
I already bought some Christmas ornaments in August but it was because I was in Poland and they sell it all year.
Though I LOVE Christmas, I don't like to start it early because then it has already faded when the real Christmas comes - I prefer to start right before the 24th but then I keep my decorations until end of January.
As much as I plan in advance or think I know what I'm getting people, most of my Xmas shopping is done like a week before lol :doh:

That is so totally me! :lol: Then I am frantic and everyone either gets gift cards or a raincheck :innocent:
My husband and I adore christmas... we always buy each other far to much and have started looking already... we both write down a wish list of about £1000 of stuff! We usually end up spending between £2000 to £2500 on each other which most people I know will think is redic... We just love the whole sitting round the tree and pressie opening that morning and also we both love the shopping which has already started... Although I think he does most of his on line for me now as its so much easier and he gets embarrassed going into womens shops... although to be honest he is a fab shopper for me... At least 90% success rate which is fab for a man!

with the growing unemployment christmas retailers won't be happy
I've never tried shopping early but I'm already thinking about what to get now. My boyfriend is the hardest person in the world to shop for. He's the opposite of materialistic (although he was extremely happy with the backpack I bought him as his going-back-to-school gift), and his perception is that if there's something he likes, he'll get it for himself! ughhh I hate shopping for other people.
I've never tried shopping early but I'm already thinking about what to get now. My boyfriend is the hardest person in the world to shop for. He's the opposite of materialistic (although he was extremely happy with the backpack I bought him as his going-back-to-school gift), and his perception is that if there's something he likes, he'll get it for himself! ughhh I hate shopping for other people.

I have a few friends like that... my wifes dad is a constant pain... he doesn't really seem to be into anything... We have found the best thing to do is go round the week before and have a chat... deliberately bring up things with pointed questions and try and draw up a list of even just his interests... say its the outdoors... then go to the shops without any real pre conceived idea apart from the outdoors... and something often pops up... another good way is the gift finder on ebay! Even if you dont shop on ebay its good for ideas...

I tend to think i'm a good pressie buyer but I do prob put a lot of time and effort into it... Like I always have a big christmas list on my computer which runs from about now with everyone ive got to buy for... ideas... then what I buy and the price... Im sad that way with lists but I have spreadsheets for everything in life! I guess im just a bit ocd on organisation...

Failing that though just ask the person... or gift vouchers... but I always think gift vouchers are a bit like you could not be bothered!!!

I have turned into a complete christmas-a-holic:woot:. This year I have put half of all of the presents on hold or lay-by. I have had shop assistants order me things in and as of this morning my first christmas gifts are on their way to me (for other people). The reason why I am getting ready so early is because I love seeing all of the presents sitting under my tree and I have an undying need to buy people gifts:flower:
I don't really care what other people buy me because I am happy with most and understand lots of people have limited funds, but just in case I buy myself presents too and they get wrapped under the christmas tree with a to sea of love from santa on them:lol: one thing that is a must though is a good set of Dvd's because I don't do much on christmas day except watch them and eat.
The funniest bit is that I have been put in the christmas section of my work a couple of times and I just decide on what christmas things I am going to get every day.
As much as I propell holiday consumerism, I want to do a bit of charity work over the Christmas period. Feeding the homeless and such...... we have to all remember the people that aren't as fortunate:heart:
I already have put a little santa figurine out to remind everyone that christmas is-a-comin':heart:
I'm curious, who all do most of you buy Christmas presents for? Immediate family, extended family, friends, etc....?

I'm just wondering because I'm at that age where I need to start buying gifts for people ^_^ Not sure who I would include and who I wouldn't!
^^ Def. Start with the parents,Boyfriend/Girlfriend, sisters/brothers, BFF's ......MAYBE neices/nephews, but if you are like me and have a million of them, I would def overlook them:lol::lol:. Another thing we end up doing is draw names out of a hat and we exchange gifts with that person. And if you know someone who is going to give you a gift, that maybe is not imediate family/or real close friend ( maybe the person is a coworker or something) you should def. return the favor, even if it is something small.
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I'm curious, who all do most of you buy Christmas presents for? Immediate family, extended family, friends, etc....?

I'm just wondering because I'm at that age where I need to start buying gifts for people ^_^ Not sure who I would include and who I wouldn't!

Here's my buying list and what they are getting (hopefully they don't read this)-

Mother (a hand cut crystal horse, that is made from Irish crystal, apparently it is a dying art like couture and is going up in value over the years so it sold to the investor in me. Cost: $400 my mum is going to b*tch at me for spending so much but I love it.
Father - He is getting a leather work case and a giant Octoberfest style beer mug:lol: Cost:
Sister - not getting much this christmas from me:angry: she isn't speaking at me because I accidentally ate her pineapple:rolleyes: yes she is petty. I am thinking of getting her a huge load of pineapples:lol:

BFF 1- we are going to New York at some time next year but it keeps getting pushed back further and further and one thing that is on our list of things to do is go running in Central Park wearing burberry earmuffs, so I bought her the earmuffs in preperation:lol: cost: $150 + p&p
BFF 2 - marc jacobs earrings and prob some form of chocolate
BFF 3 - haven't decided yet but nothing more than $50

grandma/pa: no idea yet, was going to buy her a high tea serving thing but apparently "shes getting rid of all that crap before she dies" according to my mum:lol:
A friend overseas who I :heart: and stay with her when in England, because she is the nicest person ever. She is getting a thing for her horse (sparkley browband if anyone knows what I'm talking about) cost $100
BF - not that I ever have to worry about this:rolleyes:
my lovely secret santa elf from here - top secret:ninja:
Also: I'm getting little things for the kids I nanny like santa pens and stuff. I was going to go all out and buy them presents that were worth $$$ because they are the only kids I have to buy for and its fun but I found some chloe shoes that I want the most and the kids will squeal over an icy pole so they are an easy buy:lol:
Anyone more distant I'm not buying for but maybe just get a few stocking fillers for the kids if you are so inclined.
I don't have many people to buy for, but I think that's good, it means I can get better presents for those people. Although both of my parents have birthdays near Christmas too, which means I have to buy them two things!

My list:
tFS Secret Santa Elf
Work Secret Santa

But I don't know what I'm buying anyone yet! I've just started thinking about it this week.
I have turned into a complete christmas-a-holic

me too! well, actually ive always been since i was a child so... there hasnt changed much, but still ^_^ i just love the whole christmas-mood, the songs, the decorations, the ginger-bread (especially! haha) and of course the hunt for presents - even though i always have to start thinking about ideas in september or october because i never know what i should give to my loved ones. and speaking of giving and presents: i only present my family (dad, mum, grandparents), my best friend + boyfriend. i just dont think its necessary to give a present to everyone i know, or each one of my friends.
i mean, of course, usually i bake some cookies and so i will give some of them to my friends, as kind of "present" but nothing more.

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