Christmas 09

I'm so so so excited for Christmas! One of the radio stations is already on "Christmas only" music! I haven't really bought anything yet but I'm starting to get ideas, I'm probably going to get a lot of my shopping done on black friday. I wish it would snow.
I actually really love Christmas shopping, but my family do not celebrate it since we've always lived where its been too hot to really get into the festive mood...and my boyfriend doesn't celebrate either, so shopping is always limited;
**Best friend #1 in UK
**Best friend #2 in USA
**Good friend in Canada
**TFS Secret Elf --> the only person who I've already bought something for and enjoyed figuring out what to buy :woot:
my list:
brother 1
brother 2

+ his family [mom, dad, sister, her boyfriend]

+ friend
I make soaps!
hand made soaps are great gift.
you can make whatever kind of soaps, scrub soaps, honey soaps...etc. just use imagination!
and it is fun also.

and I also make my own gift wraps, from magazines...newspapers...painting etc.
I alerady started and it is so so much fun.
Thankfully, my mum is going to Thailand, so I don't have to pretend that I celebrate's also cheaper not to :magic: No, seriously, no Christmas for me this year.

WHAT!? That's no fun! :( You can come to Iowa in the U.S. and celebrate with me. ;)

I looooove the Holidays. Unfortunately, my fiance and I have had to budget A LOT this year, so I'm forgoing gift exchanges with a lot of my pals... but just the idea of the Holidays gets me giddy. I'm going home for Thanksgiving for the first time in four years, AND back again for Christmas and New Years. To me, the Holidays are really about family - oh, and treats, snow, cold weather, hot chocolate, etc.! :heart::blush:
I would probably try out making soap and instead accidentally make a bomb out of the chemicals or something! I think its safer for everyone if I just buy gifts :lol: I might try and make candy canes or something but thats the extent of it!
I've enjoyed reading this thread because it all seems so alien to me :lol:

I am Scrooge :D
omg xmas shopping is soo difficult for me.. i get sidetracked at all the sales and buy myself way too many presents!

my gift list-
Mom: i'm thinking of getting her some lululemon pants. she loves to workout!
StepDad: thinking of getting him some coasters i saw at michael's. you can put photos in them. he drinks a bunch of coffee.
BF: a watch.. just don't know what kind yet. or these dress shoes he's been eyeing.
Brother: he wants a ps3 controller. easy!
Sister: another easy one. she wants clothes.

and of course i always buy myself stuff.. year round! hahhaha
i have no idea what to get for my boyfriend... he would love a ps3 game but i'm sick of him playing those games, lol. :D

this year i'll be making and buying lots of handmade things from etsy, folksy, etc. and something from Lush because they have some amazing bath bombs!
I've enjoyed reading this thread because it all seems so alien to me :lol:

I am Scrooge :D

I think I am possibly your opposite, I am WAY too extravagant shopping:rolleyes:
I don't even know my elf from tFS secret santa and i have spent more on her/him then most people spend on family:lol:
^I'm the ultimate Scrooge,insofar as I don't buy any gifts. At all. The only gift I am buying is for my Elf on here,but otherwise nobody gets anything from me,nobody ever has,and they never will. I don't receieve gifts either (at my wish). Simply because to me,the extravagance that takes place in the name of Christmas,is little connected to what Christmas really means. And showing the people that mean the most to me that I love them all year round is worth far more ^_^
i sure am a christmas-a-holic.

i love christmas!, it is def the highlight of my year! i do all the decorating, shopping and wrapping gifts. no one else is allowed to do those things.
I started getting things in the summer as I knew they were perfect for the recipients and didn't want them to sell out. I've bought a few more things since, but still have the majority to get. I enjoy Christmas shopping as I love to find just the right things for people. I don't spend a fortune, but prefer to get things that will mean something.

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