Christopher Kane's Crisis

I think hes genius enough to invent new designs. I always love his collections. His S/S 07 was probably one of the best ones.
I don't understand how so many of you rather believe that he planned it with his pr/is making an excuse for his work, than that someone on the outside wants to make money of it or wants to sabotage. I'm betting on outside money, seeing how the interest and hype about fashion has evovled in recent years I believe this might've been done to make copies.
Hum ... the matter is that this isnt an isolated event as per the end of the long **** article ... in a purely story-type matter .. Im fascinated of fashionable robbers ....and F*ck! Id pay to see a film about this ... very inside inside and super interesting imho
Yes, at 2:30. So he would have shown by now. There is a thread up already!!
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I'm finding it hard to believe any of this was stolen after seeing the 'showpieces'...

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