Anyone here ever bought a real Balenciaga Le Dix Motorcycle bag from gucci.com? I bought a good quality replica one. I love the bag but I've never had a real balenciaga bag. From the outlook between the real Balenciaga and the fake one , it's almost the same. But, I believe there should be a lot of differences. Anyone here ever bought both a real and replica Balenciaga le dix bags? Can you tell me the differences from both inside and outside of the bag? Thanks
Anyone here ever bought a real Balenciaga Le Dix Motorcycle bag from gucci.com? I bought a good quality replica one. I love the bag but I've never had a real balenciaga bag. From the outlook between the real Balenciaga and the fake one , it's almost the same. But, I believe there should be a lot of differences. Anyone here ever bought both a real and replica Balenciaga le dix bags? Can you tell me the differences from both inside and outside of the bag? Thanks
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