Donald Trump Gentlemanly Comments on his Wife, Heidi Klum, Halle Berry...

DreamsAreMade said:
(remember that comment Melania made when asked if she would be withhim if he didn't have money. Her response--"Would he be with me if I wasn't beautiful?"

They're so painfully DEEP!
man, what a sleazebag.
I'm not surprised by his comments. He did the same thing to Omarosa (sp?) saying that he never really thought that she was attractive. Does that matter? was he 'hiring' her for her looks?
The Trumps are a living illustration of the statement "MONEY CAN'T BUY CLASS."

If Johnny Depp was to start ranting like this, I'd be disappointed and angry but seeing as it's some aging decript dickwipe, who's only definition in life has been money and a trophy case of bimbos, I can't help but laugh...

Imagine a horrendous looking man teling you that you were unattractive, I mean would you care or laugh merrily at the ironic hypocrisy and then be on your way?

Think old Trump is feeling his age........and weight.
Nicolette Sheridan CAN probably kick his a$s.

And I can't believe he gave Halle an 8 for the face... his idea of a 10 must be the plastic surgery going bleached bimbo type
Sunkist said:
The Trumps are a living illustration of the statement "MONEY CAN'T BUY CLASS."

Actually Ivanka (daughter?) Trump does infact have class. The rest don't
Hehe. *donald in the mirror* Your beautiful, you have great hair, you have great curves.....
Oh from his hair to his feet I would give him well I don't know a - 10
well at least he didnt comment about their hair, coz that would be like throwin stones at someone when ur standing there naked!
liberty33r1b said:
well, he's right on heidi....
Have you anything nice to say on anyone? Really, I'm deadly curious there...:huh:

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