Rrr, I love those tough ladies. They look very stoic and in another wave length while playing, one of them reminded me so much of Francesca, she came off as quite shy and the most passive. Something I like, my friends clearly not, but that didn't matter cause I'm can't take for granted they were able to appreciate - or maybe tolerate is a better word - the music. Jabber jabbre... Let's pass the word before I get jaw cramps.
Some guy I don't know but who was obviously more friendly than another old bold ugly man who didn't even bother to communicate, gah, sent me his pics from Metropolis (Dutch festival). I'll post those later, cause they are immense and I have to resize them.
I have more to say
Was anyone else also surprised to hear how instrumental Axes turned out, after lyric-centric The Power Out? They proved they have a lot to offer, on every level I can think of, now try to mix in a bit of all, contrasts are good 

Some guy I don't know but who was obviously more friendly than another old bold ugly man who didn't even bother to communicate, gah, sent me his pics from Metropolis (Dutch festival). I'll post those later, cause they are immense and I have to resize them.
I have more to say